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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 786
All Bark, No Bite
Just our asocial neighbourhood red squirrel. And sometimes that's all you need. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #little #wednesda...
Day 820
The Fox Isn't Going to Spoil Me
I was really-really-REALLY hoping to post another fox picture today. I had my camera ready and everything. Alas, she n...
Day 821
Red breasted nuthatch
Freezing rain on the way. Time for the critters to stock-up. #outdoors #nature #food #bird #evening #little #wednesday #animal #...
Day 869
Not an epic fog shot of the Marsh
I panicked today. Light was fading and indecision was high. Do I take the camera I had on hand (my cellphone) or go...
Day 874
Sunset on the Lake
Sunset on the lake. Says about everything. #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wood #sunday #water #reflection #sky #sunse...
Day 1,017
Sunset at the Marsh
Brought my camera to dinner tonight hoping to get some new / fresh marketing pictures. While tasty, supper wasn't very photogenic...
Day 1,094
Got Lucky
Got Lucky Went into town for some supplies and such. One my way back I spotted something that kinda-sorta-but-not-really looked like a beaver. Tried t...
Day 1,783
The Whole Kit
I'm still bummed about work and COVID and the impending sense of doom, but I've got birds that need photographing, so that's what I'll d...
Day 2,212
Digging in the Snow
One of the challenges for the local bird population is coping with the shoveling that takes place. Here's a jay digging through a...
Day 761
Forgot to Fill the Feeder
But at least this guy was pretty chill about it. Once I had a coffee in me, however, I did get the feeder restocked. #mornin...
Day 784
Black Capped Chickadee
Right lens, right time, right subject. Heck... even the right light. I'll call that a win for today! #outdoors #nature #afterno...
Day 834
American Goldfinch
Winter is still here. Even if my goldfinches are starting to show some colour. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #food #bird #tuesday #c...
Day 958
American Goldfinch
Been watching some Youtube video on shooting songbirds. Decided to try sitting up some perches around the feeders. I still need to...
Day 1,113
Cold snap. Gotta chance to get out (briefly) and shoot. Next couple-a-few days I'll be out of town for work. I'll miss my birds whil...
Day 1,828
Hairy Woodpecker
First (half) day back at work. Scanning bills, updating reports, and enjoying the 10 o’clock maintenance meeting (read: coffee break)...
Day 1,845
Flock of Evening Grosbeaks
Remember the other day, when I said that I should come up with a new project? Yeah… that’s totally not happened yet. Maybe...
Day 815
Grackle, of the uncommon swager
Nice and pretty. Of course, they are a bit of a pain with their chasing away my other birds. #morning #thursday #outdo...
Day 849
2 May: Still Ice on the Lake
(Sorry for the crappy cellphone photo today.) Here we are, the second day of May, and I still have ice on the lake. Fortu...
Day 909
Little Chipmunk
Got out and enjoyed some time in the front yard. Was hoping to get a picture of the American Goldfinch that's been visiting, but inste...
Day 1,104
# Hairy on the feeder
Miss shooting my birds. Time to change that.
Day 797
Out from behind the door.
Was able to sneak out and get this Hairy Woodpecker. I actually had a good five or so minutes before I needed to be on my wa...
Day 948
That's Pretty
An intense day of data entry and financial number punching. Honestly, felt like crap afterwards. Needed to get off site. Glad I did... I...
Day 972
Blue Jay
Blue jays are going through there season molt. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #bird #sunday #little #animal #wild #wing #beak #avian #wildlife...
Day 1,564
The Drive
So. The calendar says it's suppose to be April. I'm not too sure what season it is anymore. It started cold, damp, and very late-Fall. By mi...