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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,528
Trying not to complain.
But today wasn't very good. Spent about $500 on the car (regular maintenance) only to find out I'll need to come back next for...
Day 1,511
Hairy Woodpecker
Another weekend, so another day of shooting birds.
Day 1,470
Training Too
Doing better today... not much... but better. Still frustrated with work and kinda wish I was able to just take off. Winning the lotto wo...
Day 1,463
New Toys New Signs
The maintenance team got some new toys over the break. They spent some time putting up new signs around site. Lookin pretty slick.
Day 1,457
Trush and Jay
Back from my holidays and had a chance to grab another quick picture of Sam and a Blue Jay this afternoon. It's been almost a month of h...
Day 1,430
I'm conflicted. I don't know what picture to share. So, with the power of Photoshop, I'm going to share the two I'm proud of. Top is a wol...
Day 1,427
Not to be too much of a cliche, but we got a nice dumping of snow today. Welcome to December in Haliburton.
Day 1,414
I was complaining to some friends yesterday about not having any Hairy Woodpeckers at the feeder (most of last year I was able to count 'em dur...
Day 1,409
First brushing of the season.
The one thing I hate more than everything else this time of the year is brushing off the snow. Sometimes, it's easy (lig...
Day 1,399
Blue Jay
haven't shot a bird in forever. feederwatch starts next week... might as well break out the long lens and get some practice in.
Day 1,398
Red Pine Plantation
Another in my series of attempts at capturing the plantation. Not to be all Artsy-fartsy here, but there is diffidently a mood or...
Day 1,385
But not everything about Ugly Fall is ugly
The sun gets up later, meaning I actually have a chance to catch a sunrise. The geese are honking and while...
Day 1,382
Cold, damp, and dreary
Nothing more to sat than that really.
Day 1,381
First day of ugly fall.
I split fall time in half; pretty fall and ugly fall (original... I know). Pretty Fall is all about the colours and smells and...
Day 1,379
Thirty Seconds Earlier
Nice quiet Thanksgiving Monday here. Nice opportunity to get caught up on some laundry. Half a minute after I took this I caugh...
Day 1,373
Pre-Pontoon Scenery
#theme-tookapic-love While it's fun to post hum-drum slice-of-life pictures, there is something to be said about sharing the spect...
Day 1,371
Old Pond, New Spot
This wasn't the image I thought I was going to share. A surprise clearing of the skies around sunset, changed that plan.
Day 1,369
Milky Way at Aspen Field
Tomorrow, something different. But for today, a night sky. Some post work in Lightroom, but all done as a single long exposur...
Day 1,368
I'm ready. Are you?
I'm ready. Are you? It often feels like I'm fighting a one man war against apathy and disengagement. Every election cycle I try to gently, but enthusi...
Day 1,365
Another wetland
Behind the maintenance yard is a wetland. It isn't anything special, just a stretch of low laying area that got flooded and, well, nev...
Day 1,356
Sunset on my way to Second Beach
Day 1,352
Sunset at the Foot
Was asked to capture the pond at the foot of the driveway. Not sure if this will work or not. Guess we'll see.
Day 1,332
Portage Beach Fire Show
More training. This time some fire lighting skills at Portage Beach.
Day 1,328
Day Off Outfit
Checklist for an overcast day off: ☑Hawaiian Shirt, ☑Lens Coffee Mug, ☑CBC Day Six Ya... I've used the mug before, but it is a really i...