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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,324
My ball and chain that I not so secretly love
Nearly thirty keys. I carry this ball of lock-openning fun with me about every day. #theme-holding
Day 1,321
Sunset at Canoe Bay
Been under the weather that last couple of days (like, in bed by 9:00, kind of under the weather). Today... today I feel better.
Day 1,314
It's a Family Camp Thing
Random pencil-toy with the coffee mugs? Must be time for Family Camp.
Day 1,312
Leadership Olympics: Aftermath
Was out in the field today. Grab a quick pick of a shaving creamed colleague after a few passionate rounds of Cheese He...
Day 1,309
Canoe at the MNR dam. And so many bugs.
Day 1,303
Watching some American reality TV with the kids. During commercials I get out and do my steps. One lap (down to the maintenance yard and back is...
Day 1,302
Didn't Poke It...
But I certainly cracked it open.
Day 1,301
It's been a rough couple of days. Mist of the time it's felt like I've just been going through the motions of being me. Nothing seems to be work...
Day 1,290
Day 1,289
This is why.
When I started with Tookapic a billion years ago, I did the whole Tell-Us-About-Yourself bit. One of things I've tried to answer is "Why...
Day 1,274
Happy Canada Day
Day 1,257
Not the most impressive of plants, but this is one that I always look forward to seeing each spring.
Day 1,255
So. Many. Mosquitoes.
No time, sadly, for foxes today. Did have time for my doctor recommended daily physical activity. The best $50.00 I've spent in...
Day 1,251
Better and Better
My mood, at least, is getting better and better. I don't want to say that my new forest puppy friends have anything to do with that,...
Day 1,228
This. This is Why.
This. This is Why. A couple of weeks ago I spent a pretty penny on a new macro lens. Since then I've been feel doubt about if I made the right decisio...
Day 1,219
Maple Flowers
It arrived today! My new macro lens. I probably shouldn't have spent the money on it, but you know... I'm a (sort of) responsible adult...
Day 1,206
And sometimes the picutre finds you.
A not so good day. Stressed, overwhelmed, pressure from so many different sources. Just an all-round crappy kinda...
Day 1,205
Really wasn't planning on shooting this today. Especially first thing in the morning. Most days I don't really plan what I'm going to shoot. Su...
Day 1,199
Long Lens on the Marsh
Got out for a bit this afternoon with the camera. Still no sandhills, but I managed an okay landscape. I both love and hate thi...
Day 1,196
Brown-headed Cowbird
Not the sexiest or coolest bird around. Not even the flashiest one today (heard a Sandhill out on the marsh...) But this was for...
Day 1,194
Double Digits!
The temperature hit 13 degrees today! Practically summer!
Day 1,192
Not an Otter
Spent about half an hour this evening shooting an otter. While it was fun, I only managed one okay (not good, just okay) shot. I'll share...
Day 1,179
It happens. Doesn't mean I'm okay with it. Last couple of days I've been feeling sick. Got the chills, not hungry, got the aches. Doctor Joe is p...
Day 1,165
Rolling Thunder
The melt has begun. The office shuck today as the ice and snow let go off the roof. Like a dumbass, I parked my car to close to the bu...