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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,385
But not everything about Ugly Fall is ugly
The sun gets up later, meaning I actually have a chance to catch a sunrise. The geese are honking and while...
Day 1,533
Post Lunch News Conference
The team waits for the PM's update. Why have I tagged this for the At Home theme? Easy, I literally live at work. I fuller...
Day 1,990
Sorry but not sorry.
I'm conflicted. The other day in a community Facebook group, a First-Time cottage renter asked a question about the fire ban. The...
Day 739
Maybe Good Enough?
This December I signed up for a print exchange on /r/photography. This week I received my first exchange partner. There's a few rul...
Day 745
First Group of the Year
Opened the Tuck Shop tonight. Discovered my key isn't working... had to prop open the door. Hoping to have it fixed soon #indo...
Day 771
5:30am start to watch curling gold
Got up extra early to watch Team Canada win gold in Mixed Pairs Curling. What a game... what a way to start the day...
Day 829
#indoors #thursday #afternoon #people #furniture #woman #room #man #education #school #vehicle #competition #april #adult #group #...
Day 891
Sometimes "crappy" is good enough
This time of year is very busy in my world. Preparing for a summer of adventure, ordering clothing, and monitoring f...
Day 925
Surprised He Stayed
Spent a good five or so minutes talking to the fox today (no, not a metaphor, I was literally talking to the fox... and no, he did...
Day 931
The Chef Will See You Now
Time for staff photos. Today: Chef Kyle #indoors #portrait #afternoon #monday #people #industry #grinder #man #one #service...
Day 1,074
Work Progresses
Winter renovations continues! Our (sorely neglected) Maintenance Garage is getting a whole pile of upgrades; new siding, insultation,...
Day 1,199
Long Lens on the Marsh
Got out for a bit this afternoon with the camera. Still no sandhills, but I managed an okay landscape. I both love and hate thi...
Day 1,409
First brushing of the season.
The one thing I hate more than everything else this time of the year is brushing off the snow. Sometimes, it's easy (lig...
Day 1,640
Day 1,790
Security Upgrades
Finally got some new hardware installed at work. We've had an issue with folks deciding that the "No Trespassing" sign was optional....
Day 2,014
Less Angry / More Amused
So, ya... yesterday I was angry. Today... not so much. Along the driveway there is a pull off just south of the creek. Folks...
Day 2,083
Sunset at Point on a Mid-September Day
Pretty just what the title says. :)
Day 736
4:45 is too early
Had to be in Kingston for 9:30 this morning. I left home the dark, watched the sunrise, worked, watched the sunset, and made it back...
Day 746
Something Coming Soon
Getting ready for a new project at work. This is the first of many-many teasers. #friday #afternoon #technology #movie #january...
Day 770
Fancy Feast for Friends from Far away
Folks visiting from Brazil. Time to put out a fancy spread. #food #evening #monday #table #tomato #closeup #deco...
Day 889
Sadly, we lost a ball to the marsh. #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wood #monday #water #tree #reflection #sky #grass #river #tr...
Day 908
It's a table
And sometimes, on stupid hot and humid days, all you can muster is a rather uninspired snapshot of a table in the air conditioned office....
Day 1,025
Balsam Centre
The crew started to stain the Balsam Centre today. While I enjoyed the naked lumber, I think the stain will look very nice indeed. #thur...
Day 1,042
Snow Selfie
Started to snow on my way down for dinner. Might as well have some fun and take a selfie. #portrait #afternoon #sunday #fun #people #winte...