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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 257/365
4 streak
Day 1,408
Day 1,409
First brushing of the season.
The one thing I hate more than everything else this time of the year is brushing off the snow. Sometimes, it's easy (lig...
Day 1,410
Signs, signs...
... a basement full of signs.
Day 1,411
Near the End of the Road
The tuck shop is mostly cleared out now. Next steps: setting up the new place.
Day 1,412
A blue jay...?
Must mean it's Saturday! More fun at the feeder watching my birds. New record for this season, with NINE blue jays counted at the same...
Day 1,413
Christmas Gifts, part one...
Getting ready for the Company Christmas Party. Next step will involve tins, charms, and tape.
Day 1,414
I was complaining to some friends yesterday about not having any Hairy Woodpeckers at the feeder (most of last year I was able to count 'em dur...
Day 1,415
Day 1,416
New Card Holder
In Vaughan for a trade show. Also, sharing our new business card holder. All-in-all a very nice day. Hopefully more of the same tomorr...
Day 1,417
Owen Day Two
Day Two at the TSAA Conference. It wasn't nearly as busy as it was yesterday, but we certainly had some good conversations. Hopefully we'...
Day 1,418
Tucked Out For Christmas
Look at the Tuck Shop, all decked out for the holidays. The big soft opening is in a week... hope it goes well.
Day 1,419
Quite Day
Been no one else really on site since about noon. Not really expecting anyone until Monday. So, I might as well get some laundry done.
Day 1,420
Just another Sunday.
The power is out, homework to do, and restarting generators... also known as Sunday. I've spent most of the day sitting in the of...
Day 1,421
Festive deer
Out for my walk tonight and spotted these two deer by the front office. I was lucky enough not to spook 'em and managed to take a quick s...
Day 1,422
Staff gifts
Wrapped soooooo many gifts. Hope the kids like 'em.
Day 1,423
Day 1,424
Source the Photo
Work is a mess. The big opening of the Tuck Shop is a couple of days away. Our Christmas party is being revamped, and I need to ident...
Day 1,425
Waitin' For the Can-Ar
Long day isn't done yet. Pickin' up a colleague at the bus stop. Tomorrow night is all about good times and better company, but...
Day 1,426
Christmas Joy
All ready for some Christmas cheer. Just look at me. But seriously, we had a good time when all was said and done.
Day 1,427
Not to be too much of a cliche, but we got a nice dumping of snow today. Welcome to December in Haliburton.
Day 1,428
The Pil Mystery.
In the main office's boardroom is a little box mounted on the wall. There is a switch and a light and that's about it. Also... it has...
Day 1,429
Blury, crapy, and I couldn't be prouder.
Today I added a new bird to my Life List (and I'm more than a little embarrassed to say I have a Life List)!...
Day 1,430
I'm conflicted. I don't know what picture to share. So, with the power of Photoshop, I'm going to share the two I'm proud of. Top is a wol...
Day 1,431
Sunset at Half Past Four...
... always depressing how quickly things get dark this time of the year. Tomorrow is aiming to be a busy day; the site man...