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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,515
We had some snow overnight. And by some I mean a lot.
Day 1,581
Mid Afternoon Bird Still Gets the Worm
Warm, but windy day. The Robins were out and having a good time. So was I; the worm... not so much.
Day 1,635
Stupid Birds
Stupid Birds didn't like the stupid perch I put out to get better stupid photos. But I'll show them! I'll find an even STUPIDER! perch th...
Day 1,659
Day 1,667
Oh, ya... I like birds
It's been forever it feels like, since I've gotten an okay bird shot. Here's a pair of goldfinches reminding me to pick up some...
Day 1,681
Nigh Sky Over the Beach
Day 1,696
So. Many. Goldfinches
So. Many. Goldfinches I know I said that they were headin' south, but I guess they don't always listen to what the experts say.
Day 1,749
Day 1,752
Public Input
I had two different images to share today. The other one was more photogenic, but this one was more unique.
Day 1,753
Hurry Up and Wait (and I have an itchy back)
Heard from HR today about the Camp reopening. The short version: Not yet. The Longer version: We don't kn...
Day 1,772
Red Breasted Nuthatch
Day 1,817
Home for the Holidays
Merry Christmas from the backyard as I look for birds.
Day 1,818
Lockdown has come back to Ontario. I could have gone driving around the back roads looking for something to photograph, but instead I think I...
Day 1,826
Kodak Sterling II
Over the holidays I found my collection of old cameras. Over the next little while I'm gonna be photographing and postin' 'em. Highl...
Day 1,843
Gotta Fly
Had some luck today with my Feeder Shots. I'm rather quite happy this shot. Ya, it's not spectacular -no one is going to publish it- but I l...
Day 1,863
Canon XT
This is the first DLSR I ever spent any serious time on. Spent a summer working at a children's camp and fell in love. Bought my own a year l...
Day 1,908
Better Tree Sparrow
Even with the weather being very cold and wet, one of my Tree Sparrows posed for me on the branch. Almost all of my pictures with...
Day 1,922
Day 1,941
Song Sparrow
Day 1,951
Maybe this is what I saw the other day...
And by 'maybe' I am leaning heavily towards 'ya, this was it'. Also: Still not a Black Duck... :( Was out lo...
Day 1,979
With a bee
Mostly an overcast and hazy day. But here's a bee hanging out with an iris.
Day 2,057
Sometimes your best bird picture of the day isn't a bird at all.
Day 2,195
Not a Card, but Not a Throwaway
Sometimes I just gotta take a picture because I'm just not 100% sure. Like now. I'm all but certain that I'm looking a...
Day 2,238
Two birds just chillin' in the afternoon