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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 160/365
1 streak
Day 1,128
Adventures in Recruiting.
Finally made it to the other Lakehead and it's been quite a day: Met a former client who took one my favorite pictures of me...
Day 1,175
Day 1,185
Fresh-faced smiley
Coming back from Lindsay today, after not buying a new camera (one part self-restraint, five parts the camera not being in), I spot...
Day 1,242
Murder Most Foul
Murder Mystery night.
Day 1,250
Another snap of the local fox. Saw three kits this morning, but only this fella stuck around for a snapshot. More tomorrow, I'm hoping. I have a...
Day 1,310
Roll over, shoot, back to sleep
Almist missed my shot pic for the day. Ya, it's a lame streak photo.
Day 1,373
Pre-Pontoon Scenery
#theme-tookapic-love While it's fun to post hum-drum slice-of-life pictures, there is something to be said about sharing the spect...
Day 1,433
We opened the centre to the public to come and see the Varied Thrush that's been here since Tuesday. In total we had a couple of dozen or...
Day 1,458
Blue Jay
Nice (mostly) quite day today. Did some reading, did some planning, and did some shooting.
Day 1,460
Tea Infuser
Day 1,099
Busy On The Toilet.
Busy On The Toilet. I've mentioned, I think, the embarrassment I suffered this November when I wasn't able to produce photos for our company Christmas...
Day 1,161
Teaching the finer points of knife work
Kids are packing out for their camping trip. Tonight was all about food prep. CJ (in the black shirt) doesn't...
Day 1,193
Just a pic
Out driving today and figured I'd stop at Furnace Falls. Think I might try this again later.
Day 1,206
And sometimes the picutre finds you.
A not so good day. Stressed, overwhelmed, pressure from so many different sources. Just an all-round crappy kinda...
Day 1,210
Oak Reno
Just a picture of the on going renovation around site. This'll probably show up in the slide show later. Not what made today awesome. No, tha...
Day 1,319
Update on Birch
Looking better each day.
Day 1,338
Facilitator Fashion Tip #12: Always make sure your nose paint matches your life jacket.
Day 1,391
Day 1,399
Blue Jay
haven't shot a bird in forever. feederwatch starts next week... might as well break out the long lens and get some practice in.
Day 1,442
Renewal Day
Just signed up for another 365 days of tookapic awesomeness. Today may have been m'eh, but it really was a Good day
Day 1,459
Years and Years ago I made a plate at Pre-School. My folks are downsizing and gave me some stuff, including this plate. I've got another one. I'll...
Day 1,104
# Hairy on the feeder
Miss shooting my birds. Time to change that.
Day 1,131
Time to be silly!
Nothing else really than just being silly.
Day 1,200