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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 160/365
1 streak
Day 1,744
Fall Time Jay
Same tree, in fact virtually the same spot, as yesterday. Today, however, a different bird.
Day 1,827
A big of colour
On an otherwise grey and dull day, a flock of Evening Grosbeaks visited the feeders today. One of my non-photography goals for 2021 is...
Day 1,839
Itty bitty snow for an itty bitty bird
no long pros today. just apicture of a chickadee. maybe more tomorrow.
Day 1,891
Another Nuthatch
What a warm day today! We just about broke into double digits (think it peaked at 8C today). Should be getting some new birds in soon...
Day 380
Best of the Worst
Not happy with anything I shot today. Admittedly I didn't put as much effort as I should have. Will tomorrow be better? Maybe... Or...
Day 411
Takin' Flight
Just another day of chickadee fun. Was hoping for a White breasted nuthatch or a goldfinch. Oh well. #afternoon #saturday #february
Day 647
One of my four
There are four places at work that I love. These are places of beauty and wonder that I never get enough of. This one is The Bog. Not a...
Day 786
All Bark, No Bite
Just our asocial neighbourhood red squirrel. And sometimes that's all you need. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #little #wednesda...
Day 820
The Fox Isn't Going to Spoil Me
I was really-really-REALLY hoping to post another fox picture today. I had my camera ready and everything. Alas, she n...
Day 821
Red breasted nuthatch
Freezing rain on the way. Time for the critters to stock-up. #outdoors #nature #food #bird #evening #little #wednesday #animal #...
Day 869
Not an epic fog shot of the Marsh
I panicked today. Light was fading and indecision was high. Do I take the camera I had on hand (my cellphone) or go...
Day 1,022
An Attempt Was Made
Busy day of payment entry, site tours, bank/mail runs... Snuck out to the pond for a quick photo shoot. #october #fall #outdoors #...
Day 1,458
Blue Jay
Nice (mostly) quite day today. Did some reading, did some planning, and did some shooting.
Day 1,614
Sleepy Time
Sorry for the crap quality, but I didn't want to wake the lil fellow up (shot through a bug screen). Also shot some shaky video of three o...
Day 1,791
White-breasted Nuthatch on a Post
Got my new feeder station up and running yesterday (very timely, as the tree-rats... I mean squirrels... had figured...
Day 1,835
Stay-at-home Order
Whelp, Ontario is going back into lockdown. Guess I'll have some more time to photography my birds. Might even get something new (f...
Day 2,351
Little One was hanging out by the feeders this afternoon. I think he was bunching on some of the seeds. Whatever it was, he seemed to find it ta...
Day 874
Sunset on the Lake
Sunset on the lake. Says about everything. #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wood #sunday #water #reflection #sky #sunse...
Day 1,017
Sunset at the Marsh
Brought my camera to dinner tonight hoping to get some new / fresh marketing pictures. While tasty, supper wasn't very photogenic...
Day 1,094
Got Lucky
Got Lucky Went into town for some supplies and such. One my way back I spotted something that kinda-sorta-but-not-really looked like a beaver. Tried t...
Day 1,510
Blue Jay
Still no luck getting the picture of the thrush charging the jays.
Day 1,783
The Whole Kit
I'm still bummed about work and COVID and the impending sense of doom, but I've got birds that need photographing, so that's what I'll d...
Day 1,848
Day 1,856
Been awhile since I've seen one. Glad I spotted this White-breasted Nuthatch this afternoon.