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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 263/365
10 streak
Day 1,946
Day 1,947
No need for the long glass today...
Weather is full, damp, and dreary. No way am I gonna see anything worthwhile on my town trip today. Nope not a thi...
Day 1,948
Day 1,949
Most diffinately NOT a Black Duck
So, this time of year I get more and more of my seasonal birds back. Today, while coming back from town I saw a pair...
Day 1,950
Funny and a little annoying
The Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have learned that tapping on the glass is rather loud.
Day 1,951
Maybe this is what I saw the other day...
And by 'maybe' I am leaning heavily towards 'ya, this was it'. Also: Still not a Black Duck... :( Was out lo...
Day 1,952
It appears to be some sort of plant
Remember that scene in the first Avengers movie, where Captain America, when asked to do some technology stuff, re...
Day 1,953
Goose Family
No fun story, just one of six geese families (four with chicks, two without).
Day 1,954
Coffee and Birds
#theme-drinks Nothing like a hot mug of coffee while watching birds.
Day 1,955
Mixed Feelings and Unclear Signals.
Finished packing up the Tuck Shop today. Just another asset the folks from head office are moving... Not sure what...
Day 1,956
Busy Day
Long awaited return of Pine Siskins! Of course, this isn't a siskin. One of five Rose-breasted Grosbeaks that have been visiting. Tomorrow......
Day 1,957
Tough Conditions
Sometimes you need to take the photo when things aren't the way you want. Like with the sun pretty much over head. Sometimes the righ...
Day 1,958
An odd feeder bird
Saw something odd at the feeder. A Canadian Harbinger of Death; the Canadian Goose.
Day 1,959
Hermit Thrush
New-to-Me bird! Was out and about this afternoon and saw some neat-o birds. A pair of Eastern Phoebes (garbage picture... they'll be the...
Day 1,960
Geese on Patrol
Flies are out something fierce today. Didn't spend long, but the geese did swim on by.
Day 1,961
Bad Feeling
So... these turtles don't look right. They don't look like painted turtles... too much red along the sides of the bodies. Doing a quick im...
Day 1,962
Obligatory Trillium
Day 1,963
The Season of Blood and Pain
Also known as Blackfly Season. Plans to go out looking for Red and Painted Trilliums fell apart... FAST. Swarmed by bitin...
Day 1,964
Day 1,965
While the early bird gets the worm...
... the late afternoon bird (American Robin) can enjoy some sort of grub.
Day 1,966
Cell Phone Field Picture
Heading into town and didn't want to leave my camera in the car. Saw another Blanding's in one of the marshes. Photo, GPS, ti...
Day 1,967
Poor Crop
But it does count for the #theme-blue and that's a good thing.
Day 1,968
Copied from our camp's Facebook Staff Group: Now, you youngins probably don't remember, but back in the day there was this TV show called "L...
Day 1,969
First Hummingbird of the Year!
Put out the feeder over the weekend. Today, I finally got a visitor!