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7 photos
Day 51
51/365 - 737
#afternoon #sunday #blue #sky #transport #flying #wing #plane #flight #jet #february #air #737 #boeing #air-transport
Day 737
Day 737
Day #737
Strange day. M had to undergo a medical procedure. The results are good. A few storms. Back to the sunsets. Need to think it over.
Day 737
#737 (3.7): Window Ajar Toward the Flights
#evening #car #light #road #tuesday #water #street #city #urban #architecture #building #bridge #november #...
Day 27
#thursday #afternoon #transport #lodz #plane #january #airport #737 #boeing
Day 737
Day 737
#737 Travel Day
Returning home from Christmas visits. This is the sight from my seat.