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2.8K photos
Day 1,775
#fake-snow #ball
Day 1,951
#theme-lensflare, #lensflare, #hand, #glass, #ball, #sky.
Day 1,660
In the corner
#football #ball #shadows
Day 2,916
Green lamp #5
A detail. #lamp #lamps #vintage #thing #things #black #metal #home #night #detail #desktop #wood #wooden #ball #round #sphere #theme-sph...
Day 243
#dog #ball #toy
Day 268
From the series: no idea photo ;) #theme-storm #thunder #ball #glass-ball #piorun #burza #kula #szklana-kula #no-idea-photo
Day 258
Sunday #theme-out-of-focus #sky #ball #glass-ball #window-view #niebo #widok #widok-przez-okno #kula #szklana kula
Day 252
My new photo toy ;) #ball #glass-ball #lights #swiatelka #kula #szklana-kula
Day 1,911
Kira #3
A happy doggo. #dog #animal #animals #ball #grass #shadows #mobile
Day 343
Dzieci sąsiada notorycznie wykopują piłkę na nasze podwórko. Dziś leży pomarańczowa. #theme-symmetry #ball #orangeball #piłka
Day 1,327
Cotton Ball Lights
#Cotton #Ball #Lights #CottonBall #CottonBallLights
Day 981
981. Afternoon
Hard day. #Leon #dog #doggo #relax #play #ball #green #grass #again
Day 952
952. Quick Leon
Today is an intense day, lots of walks in more and less pleasant places. At the end, we were able to rest a bit - from the heat and fr...
Day 949
949. What now?
#dog #doggo #Leon #legs #dog-legs #ball #home
Day 932
mam ją!
#fun #dog #ball
Day 944
944. Happy
Nice day - A quick bike sally with some of fun adventures. Then rest and time with Leon. :) #Leon #dog #doggo #relax #play #ball #green #gr...
Day 2,115
New #soccer #ball for the young Soccer player #theme-sports
Day 915
915. Play with me human!
Leon :) #Leon #dog #doggo #relax #play #ball #green #grass #huawei #p20pro #walk #fun #summer #sun #happy #theme-green
Day 53
Code red
#code-red #ball #red-ball #work #fujifilm-x-t2 #fujinon-xf-35mm-f #nifty-fifty #sooc #classic-chrome
Day 885
885. Happy face
Leon #Leon #dog #doggo #relax #play #ball #green #grass #huawei #p20pro
Day 866
866. My ball!
Crazy Leon found a quite new ball in the tall grass today. Of course, he took it with him, it was difficult to explain that it was not h...
Day 713
713. Recreation
After work, time to relax ;) #walk #fun #ball #ball #dog #Leon #doggo #run #relax #huawei #p20pro
Day 863
#bilard #billiard #pool #gra #evening #bila #ball #light #people
Day 649
649. Happiness
Happy Leon having fun! ☺️ #light #nature #dog #Leon #walk #fun #ball #play #grass #autumn #friday