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1.2K photos
Day 133
133. Projektowanie...
#afternoon #tuesday #pencil #paper #still-life #february #composition #theme-color-contrast
Day 34
Color Contrast
From my "portraits month" made a "low-key month" .... I will repair it soon :) Meanwhile, I will be defending my diploma thesis tomorro...
Day 135
#afternoon #wood #monday #color #pencil #education #prism #rainbow #school #equipment #crayon #pastel #college #february #writing #compositio...
Day 399
na szczęście
@maggag41, koniczynki odnalezione w pamiętniku :) #morning #saturday #art #notebook #paper #business #education #still-life #page #note #...
Day 74
#74 Busy day, learning for exams
#afternoon #office #work #sunday #pencil #planning #paper #business #education #still-life #balance #money #february...
Day 73
Trying to create something using pencil and basic editor functions #afternoon #saturday #wood #steel #design #pencil #art #knife #desktop #abstrac...
Day 179
Streak riff
Who can recognize this? #friday #office #night #pencil #notebook #paper #business #education #school #money #february #writing #ink #compo...
Day 396
#friday #afternoon #office #book #paper #business #number #legal #money #february #law #composition #finance #text #form #document #statement #...
Day 129
129. Nakryty talent... ; )
#friday #evening #pencil #people #hand #paper #business #education #money #february #writing #composition #creativity #chal...
Day 32
#thursday #evening #work #market #pencil #map #technology #industry #planning #paper #business #equipment #money #february #composition #bluepr...
Day 72
#indoors #friday #afternoon #office #desk #computer #window #laptop #table #furniture #technology #blur #room #paper #business #education #still-l...
Day 261
#morning #thursday #office #pencil #paper #business #education #school #february #writing #ink #composition #research #document #no-person
Day 230
#thursday #office #evening #wood #color #focus #laptop #pencil #game #blur #paper #business #education #still-life #number #school #equipment...
Day 31
#afternoon #office #wednesday #pencil #paper #business #education #january #number #school #money #progress #composition #statistics #growth #...
Day 298
#office #evening #wood #tuesday #table #blur #science #desktop #closeup #paper #business #still-life #january #one #medicine #equipment #com...
Day 513
cutting the photos
I needed a few photos for documents, so this time I decided to take them myself. #evening #monday #computer #knife #photos #paper #...
Day 29
Smutne życie studenta :( #evening #monday #study #notes #paper #learning #business #january #psychology #money #studying #composition #fin...
Day 48
When working at home
#monday #book #paper #business #education #january #number #page #writing #law #composition #information #text #form #document #f...
Day 1,124
Art Day
#afternoon #office #work #sunday #laptop #technology #desktop #paper #business #january #equipment #note #composition #scissors #document #dia...
Day 728
Crayons #3
Colours. #afternoon #saturday #green #wood #color #red #blue #yellow #orange #design #pencil #art #drawing #colour #violet #colours #bright...
Day 927
Job : corrections
#afternoon #office #sunday #pencil #paper #business #education #january #number #money #writing #composition #mathematics #growth #r...
Day 13
Ostatni dzień
Ostatni dzień 52-ką po torach do pracy. Ostatnie pięć godzin z głosami na uszach. Dłuższe dni i noce. Jak dobrze. #friday #afternoon #of...
Day 723
Print #9
Another deadline. #morning #office #work #white #monday #computer #working #laptop #table #architecture #bokeh #book #blur #contrast #deadlin...
Day 13
Friday Sketch Day
I am still new to conceptual photography. All of my ideas have been last minute ones, and so far some of them are great. Others, not...