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Photo enthusiast in the prime of his life. Looking for inspriration and motivation at tookapic. Started 365 project without expectations, but got kind of addicted to it.
#7 207/365
1,432 streak
Day 2,398
Mit Preiselbeeren.
Day 2,397
White screen
Walking in the clouds, again.
Day 2,396
Bench with a view
Quite a demanding ride down the valley today. Probably a bit too much for the kids. But they managed.
Day 2,395
Cows everywhere
#theme-national-cliches Austria.
Day 2,394
Joy at the peak
I guess they've just realized we have to go down.
Day 2,393
Easy path
Heavy rain in the morning, harsh sun in the afternoon.
Day 2,392
Simple idea, yet very entertaining. Roll the wooden ball at the top and watch how it makes it to the bottom of the small slope. Kids still l...
Day 2,391
Looking around
As a photographer, I'm almost always behind.
Day 2,390
In the cloud
Day 2,389
When there's no sun. #theme-less-means-more
Day 2,388
Hello Murmeltier
Longer hike today. We've been watched.
Day 2,387
By the lake
Light hike on a first day.
Day 2,386
On the road
Direction: Alps!
Day 2,385
In a vacation mood already.
Day 2,384
Quick snap, on the go.
Day 2,383
I like sauna, but not necessarily inside a car. A/C is being pushed hard these days.
Day 2,382
Palms street
Summer in the city.
Day 2,381
Cooling point
Summer in the city.
Day 2,380
Happy thirteen
Teenager, indeed.
Day 2,379
Ulicznicy at Gliwice. Great opportunity for exercising street photography.
Day 2,378
Walking around.
Day 2,377
Fluffy sky
Nothing unusual, just no time to think about pics.
Day 2,376
Directly above
Another test shot. Wide this time.
Day 2,375
Test shot
New body deserves appropriate lens selection. One more to get before vacations.