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16 photos
Day 301
Prostota jest najskuteczniejszą formą przekazu. -=*=- Jethro Tull - "Velvet Green" (LP "Songs from the Wood", 1977) #morning #outdoors #nature #f...
Day 166
Au naturel
Samsung Galaxy S6. Mały, ale wariat. Jestem dumny z mojego malucha. -=*=- "Wstęp do psychoanalizy" - Zygmunt Freud (1917) #night #bird #sun...
Day 386
No bo chodziło mi o to, że wywróciłeś mi życie do góry nogami, Panie Kadysz! Mogłem żyć sobie spokojnie, bez tej całej fotografii, ale nie - zainfe...
Day 296
Od rana burze. Opady duże. Wszędzie kałuże. Nie zdzierżę dłużej. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghh)hh -=*=- "Na lipę" - Jan Kochanowski #fall #outdoors #nat...
Day 36
Kill Your LCD #5
Today, I am exceptionally happy with my Project Kill Your LCD photos. I took several shots I would have readily uploaded here today a...
Day 35
Kill Your LCD #4
Sitting at the shore of Lake Zurich, in temperatures below freezing and with nasty cold wind, capturing these droplets (that turned t...
Day 5
Experiment with colored overlays (transparent foils). I'm proud of myself for made it without editing (only little brightening). #nature #afternoon...
Day 33
Kill Your LCD #2
Day two of Project Kill Your LCD. There was not a lot of photo opportunities today, and I think that this picture wouldn't really wor...
Day 34
Kill Your LCD #3
Day three of Kill Your LCD - and still no rage or anything. In fact, I don't think my photography changed much because of the disable...
Day 38
Kill Your LCD #7
Today, I realized that my iPad is a really cool light source. This is a first experiment, and the "dead" LCD did pose a slight proble...
Day 32
Kill Your LCD #1
First day of Project Kill Your LCD. This week, I am going to take pictures in b/w JPEG only, with a taped-over LCD screen and no post...
Day 37
Kill Your LCD #6
Today was a lazy day, and I had to find something to shoot at 10 pm - so I found these little dents in the paint of the garage wall....
Day 28
Mulberry stains 1
Destroyed and expired film #nature #landscape #tuesday #water #sea #blue #people #film #december #hands #no-editing #atmosphere #des...
Day 29
Mulberry Stains 2
Destroyed and expired film. #water #wednesday #wet #blue #people #woman #film #december #feet #beauty #swimming #no-editing #swimmin...
Day 35
Mulberry Stains 3
Destroyed and expired film #tuesday #water #wet #blue #people #relaxation #film #december #feet #swimming #no-editing #swimming-pool...
Day 27
Destroyed film #monday #water #people #hand #finger #film #december #hands #no-editing #destroyed #anatomy #body-part