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42 photos
Day 644
Little troublemaker
Took some really nice family shots today. I think this one is my favourite. That hair though... unmanageable. #indoors #evening #w...
Day 324
Retro Vintage Living Room
Retro style vintage living room with old fashioned chairs, fridge and posters on wall. #indoors #morning #old #classic #vint...
Day 338
Vintage Living Room
Vintage living room with old fashioned chair and posters on wall. #indoors #morning #old #classic #vintage #retro #wood #house #co...
Day 102
snapshot #guitar #music #evening #computer #tuesday #home #metal #notebook #instrument #people #november #streak #youtube #record #musical-i...
Day 325
not havana
sometimes the colour is the story and has to be left in. An unusual splash of colour in Auckland's CBD which might not look out of place in...
Day 26
#morning #work #monday #alcohol #lights #bottle #design #gold #bulb #january #places #posters #religion #interiors #spiritual-life
Day 189
#outdoors #afternoon #old #vintage #sunday #house #road #train #street #city #urban #window #wall #architecture #building #bridge #buildings #...
Day 51
The title on the left means "There was a dog" (originally "A Dog's Purpose"). "Pokot" (on the right) means display of trophies of the hunt and "ko...
Day 1,019
torn posters
#indoors #outdoors #friday #old #evening #wood #light #dark #street #city #tunnel #wall #people #architecture #building #ancient #inside...
Day 215
at the station
#indoors #morning #friday #street #city #restaurant #architecture #building #furniture #poster #room #stock #inside #business #travel #...
Day 592
Another Loesje workshops
Sunday funday! After yesterday's work, today we had some Creative Writing session! I overslept a little, but managed to get t...
Day 1
80's stuff.
taken at cybermachina poznan #afternoon #classic #retro #monday #people #poster #movies #cinema #january #posters #80s #climate #hipster-s...
Day 476
Pavilion Is Close
The fire started around 11am inside one of the night clubs, but the firemen were working whole day , night and the next day too. Nob...
Day 1,028
Poster Ideas
Trying out some different poster ideas for my next design. #morning #october #old #vintage #retro #wood #tuesday #design #art #drawing #d...
Day 16
#morning #friday #street #art #fountain #snow #streetphotography #january #snowing #dolphins #posters #theatre
Day 206
Theater Teacher's Classroom
My daughter is a theater student and this is her teacher's classroom. #indoors #portrait #october #food #music #evening #l...
Day 26
Windy Day
The wind was so strong it had blown the posters off the billboards! #trees #afternoon #landscape #black-and-white #road #monday #sky #wind #...
Day 297
#friday #old #vintage #retro #evening #bike #color #tree #collection #yellow #orange #poland #people #poster #november #colours #sport #dan...
Day 457
No bo chodziło mi o to, że to tylko słowa, że to tylko czysta woda... #afternoon #smartphone #samsung #tuesday #color #street #mobile #colors #desi...
Day 258
The light during sunset was pretty nice today. I wanted to capture it in unusuall way. Decided to take a pic of the posters hanging in our liv...
Day 318
#sunday #flower #design #poster #november #minimal #interior #posters #minimalistic #decor
Day 101
#saturday #evening #black-and-white #street #election #april #posters
Day 23
home decor
#saturday #home #design #decoration #shelf #january #posters #starwars #decor #dom #homedecor #plakaty #dekoracja
Day 226
#friday #color #street #posters #august