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Weekly theme

Found Typography

July 25th - August 1st
131 photos from 53 users

Letters & numbers printed, drawn, written or painted. Outdoors or indoors. On signs, storefronts, billboards, devices. Find some typography. Anywhere.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: signs of spring.
Day 369
Obvious break in sales!
Day 1,791
Day 565
Day 213
A gift
Nice gift to celebrate the weekend from a friend - @kbartpl Thanks! #theme-found-typography
Day 56
.don't toucH
#theme-found-typography #sign #dont-touch #electricity #znak #tabliczka #nie-dotykac #elektrycznosc
Day 1,435
First swimm of the year...🤔
Fortunately I didn't had to be rescued!😅 #theme-found-typography
Day 1,594
Day 897
Exposition sur la jetée Thiers en centre ville d'Arcachon
Day 1,640
Et la chaine ??
LHN? LLA ! 😂 anti-v(auto)l #theme-found-typography *sorry for English speakers it's untranslatable
Day 1,304
Day 208
All hope in coffee
Day 1,641
Mission for the Dupondt
Tintin en the weekly theme Nr. 155. "Au pays de l'or noir" page 4 #theme-found-typography
Day 574
Kapitalny sklep
#theme-found-typography To płocki sklep charytatywny - to pomoc, ekologia, dobro.
Day 1,310
Marius 1823
który przed dwustu laty zwiedzał rzymską nekropolię Alyscamps, beztrosko wyrył tam swoje imię i datę. Dla niego rok 2021 to jak dla nas 22...
Day 1,303
ani tabliczki...
Day 330
Day 575
Day 576
Day 1,432
Day 1,519
Day 1,307
Day 210
Praga-Północ. Wywalą mnie w końcu z roboty, że w czasie pracy chodzę i pstrykam... #theme-found-typography.
Day 1,439
Peace&love, theme of the week-end
Peace&love, theme of the week-end #theme-found-typography
Day 571