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Weekly theme

Found Typography

July 25th - August 1st
131 photos from 53 users

Letters & numbers printed, drawn, written or painted. Outdoors or indoors. On signs, storefronts, billboards, devices. Find some typography. Anywhere.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: what it this.
Day 539
Day 535
Day 6
Day 1,674
Mood 4
Day 1,539
Day 565
Day 1,439
Peace&love, theme of the week-end
Peace&love, theme of the week-end #theme-found-typography
Day 1,646
To the Top
Day 897
Exposition sur la jetée Thiers en centre ville d'Arcachon
Day 947
Outdoor Dining
Day 1,880
Symphony Strings Quartet on the Plaza
Day 213
Day 213
A gift
Nice gift to celebrate the weekend from a friend - @kbartpl Thanks! #theme-found-typography
Day 1,791
Fête du Vigneron
Day 1,310
Marius 1823
który przed dwustu laty zwiedzał rzymską nekropolię Alyscamps, beztrosko wyrył tam swoje imię i datę. Dla niego rok 2021 to jak dla nas 22...
Day 1,633
Day 1,645
Mon vélo sur ce mur là
Day 2,004
Bridge #23
Awesome Monday trip with @kamcza and Sonia. I guess that Kamcza sees the world in darker colours ;P #bri...
Day 1,538
Day 1,308
tym imieniem...
Day 1,701
Day 565
Day 60
Busy day, meeting with friends, and it was the only photo I took before midnight. ;) #theme-found-typography #photographer #signboard #f...
Day 896