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Weekly theme

ordinary day

September 22nd - September 29th
1 day left
68 photos from 31 users

Sometimes we have the opportunity to travel, meet extraordinary people or find beautiful light, but more often we have ordinary days. We get up, eat breakfast, go to work, school, to our daily duties, come back home, get ready for another ordinary day, and go to sleep. This week, let's see if an ordinary day can be extraordinary. Show us your daily routine.

To participate, tag your photo with #theme-ordinary-day.
Day 43
Moja chwila.
Day 387
Przed snem
Codziennie przeczytane chociaż kilka stron. #theme-ordinary-day #book
Day 1,230
knedle z śliwkami
my first #theme-ordinary-day
Day 3,312
paying in the weekly church collection
Day 109
Day 2,505
Day 389
Kolejny dzień na szkoleniu zawodowym #theme-ordinary-day
Day 2,092
Day 123
dervish city plant near FICT, spotted dancing from the car / #theme-ordinary-day
Day 2,935
Day 108
Bus ride home
Day 124
in case nothing else comes up, here's smth from a short tourist-like walk through the center of town #theme-ordinary-day
Day 2,807
Rok temu nie znałam tego miejsca, teraz jest jak drugi dom - szkoła tańca, do której przychodzę coraz częściej, wczoraj byłam, dziś byłam, ju...
Day 3,314
Day 2,826
Almost every morning.
Day 120
enjoy the ride, they say / and this was an extraordinary ordinary day // #theme-ordinary-day
Day 42
Dzień dobry.
Day 272
Day 2,462
It took me over a week to clean up my messy home office - namely get rid of unnecessary stuff stacked in bookshelves and drawers. #theme-ordinar...
Day 306
W zwykły dzień na niezwykły koncert pójść. Festiwal Kontrasty w Filharmonii Pomorskiej im. Ignacego Paderewskiego