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Photo enthusiast in the prime of his life. Looking for inspriration and motivation at tookapic. Started 365 project without expectations, but got kind of addicted to it.
#7 182/365
1,407 streak
Day 951
Simple #theme-sky-slices.
Day 950
Under the small tree
At the playground with my little girl, quickly looking for the #theme-sky-slices frame.
Day 949
Transmission tower
Found something for the #theme-sky-slices. Then, I got sad news.
Day 948
Distant storm
In the afternoon I had to walk from the office to the parking place in the pouring rain. Later, storms were approaching us from differen...
Day 947
Today passed so quickly, I barely caught last light for the #theme-sky-slices.
Day 946
Fruit preserves
Got a few jars of plums.
Day 945
There was a pretty nice light during the golden hour, but with an empty battery, I was able to take the test shot only.
Day 944
Will it rain?
Yes, but just a little bit. Busy day and relaxing evening.
Day 943
Harvest time
Went on a short bike ride around golden hour.
Day 942
Pulling weeds
The indoor finishing crew should have started their work two weeks ago. Meanwhile, we started a small war with weeds in our backyard. My...
Day 941
Liquid gold
Served cold. Tastes best after a busy and hot day. #theme-cold-drinks
Day 940
Yellow one.
Day 939
Looong bike
Spent a great day on a bike. No rush, stop here and there, grab something nice to eat and drink. Perfect weekend! #theme-relax
Day 938
By the lake
Chilling out and biking. #theme-relax
Day 937
Looking at such buildings in the very center of my city hurts. Shortly after this pic I've meet good friends. The meeting ended up like it...
Day 936
Orange facade
Hanging out with my wife after work. So many new opportunities when the kids are out!
Day 935
City bike
Going for a meeting with an old friend at the end of an intense day. Inspired by @ianprince's bike pics ;)
Day 934
Tons of glass
What a gloomy day.
Day 933
Which one would you choose? #theme-relax
Day 932
Synchronized stride
Day at home. I almost forgot to take a pic today.
Day 931
Town house
Great evening at the market square with my wife. No kids.
Day 930
Used to be green
Busy Friday.
Day 929
With a clear sky, it's a bit easier to take #theme-negative-space shot.
Day 928
Balconies #3
My attempt to the #theme-negative-space. I hoped that maybe, at the top balcony, someone would go out for a smoke or something - it might...