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15 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 2,190
Been visit Funk Town for a while now. Please don't confuse Funk Town with Funky Town. The latter is a an expression for the simple, repetitive ye...
Day 2,196
Week 2: Passion
Week 2: Passion As part of the Weekly Photo Challenge over on r/clondon52, we were prompted to talk about our passions. So, here we go: * Photography...
Day 2,204
Week Three : Astrid Kirchherr
(... and the soul crushing feeling of Imposter Syndrom) Another submission to the 52 Week Challenge over at r/clondon52....
Day 2,214
Week 4: Commitment
Week 4: Commitment Fourth week of the r/clondon52 Challenge! Okay, to start off with, I really struggle with open-ended assignments where you are give...
Day 2,218
Week 5: Something Familiar
Week 5: Something Familiar Something to remember from r/clondon52: "[My] everyday life, and what may be uninspiring to [me] may be fascinating to othe...
Day 2,219
The Continueing Adventures of a mug
Still not fascinating.
Day 2,220
Another Day Another Mug Pic
Don't know. I liked the results from yesterday better. Probably should have removed the tray in the back ground.
Day 2,223
Fascinating Mug
Where has it been? Where it is going? Why isn't it clean? Spent the afternoon playing with the afternoon sun. I think I finally got so...
Day 2,226
Proof is in the Walking
Tomorrow I'm shooting a 'Day in the Life' series for my r/clondon52 project over on reddit. It's a pretty straight forward ass...
Day 2,227
Week 6: A Day in the Life (Hero Shot Edition)
I know this isn't the compelling of shots, but it's my submission for the Day in the Life assignment. Th...
Day 2,234
Week 7: Edward Hopper
This week's r/clondon52 assignment is to "look over Hopper’s images and draw inspiration from subdued drama, creating an image w...
Day 2,243
Wash / Household
Last couple-a-few days I've been working on my r/clondon52 project-thing. Also been putting off my laundry. Umm... Maybe I can use th...
Day 2,255
High Noon
This week's prompt was to take a picture at high noon. An odd choice, for sure, put it does produce some interesting shadows and shapes. I w...
Day 2,264
Week Eleven : Fan Ho...
... and I'm not feeling it. Still working on the weekly prompts over on reddit. I'm happy with the results (and lucked out wit...
Day 2,273
The Foot
Week 12's assignment was another Open To Interpretation one; Beaming. Long exposure at the foot of the driveway, combined with some random ca...