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Hanna Gawrychowska

dog lover, cat lover, food connoisseur, book reader, breeder fish in the pond, stroller, budding amateur photographer, tax advisor ... I don't know who yet .... but at the end ... Hania
#9 147/365
1 streak
Day 1,460
the end ... of year 4
And again photographic-life has come full circle. Four years is a long time. When I posted my first photo four years ago, I did...
Day 1,459
drops drops drops
in my garden
Day 1,458
in the forest
Day 1,457
autumn birch in my garden
in my garden - quick shot before work
Day 1,456
magic sunrise
there is something magical in the sunrise over the sea, is there ?
Day 1,455
mushrooms are also there
morning walk with my Amber
Day 1,454
i love the autumn forest
walking in the forest
Day 1,453
waliking with Amber
daily walk in the woods
Day 1,452
in the forest (no time no idea)
Day 1,451
art at the Gdansk Shipyard
Czesław Podleśny, sculptor, painter and draftsman - "Rozbitkowie" "Pakerzy" work cycle done in the period 2017-2019 #art #s...
Day 1,450
on my way to work
Day 1,449
just weekend - marina in Górki Zachodnie
Day 1,448
autumn leaf
not in my garden #leaf #weekend #freeweekend #red #autumn #theme-fall
Day 1,447
Day 1,446
on my way to work the time of morning fog has arrived. Fogs and haze are extremely attractive because they can give the photo an atmosphere o...
Day 1,445
autumn fog
on my way to work - foggy morning #sky #fog #mist #foggy #foggy-morning #theme-fall
Day 1,444
on my way to work
autumn mornings on my way to work #sunrise #sky #theme-fall
Day 1,443
in the forest #theme-fall
Day 1,442
leaf and autumn
in the forest
Day 1,441
night sesion - part 2
@pawelkadysz thanks for tookapic-T-shirts (will they still be?) #theme-tookapic-love #t-shirt #tookapic-t-shirt
Day 1,440
night sesion - part 1
Soon it will be four years from the day my daughter sent me a link to the tookapic page with the comment 'it's probably somethin...
Day 1,439
Autumn is here
in my garden no i koniec wakacji - czas do pracy
Day 1,438
bye bye Bieszczady
it's time to go home
Day 1,437
just sunrise
even for this view it was worth staying in the Pooh's Hut