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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 1,252
Year Two.
Time flies so fast. I can't believe I'm a father of a two-year-old. Here's photo. Anyway, we had a great...
Day 1,354
Father's Day!
This photo pretty much sums up how life looks for us now. I'm tired but happy. And the little guy is full of energy, messing around 24/7...
Day 766
A lonely dog
I went grocery shopping this morning and didn't take any proper camera with me. But I had my iPhone. And it was enough. It had to be. I s...
Day 864
We had a little party last night. First in a long, long time. I didn't end up sober. And to be honest, I'm surprised I managed to take this...
Day 942
Sisters & Pizza
As a part of our "get back in shape" campaign we went to get a pizza today and of course we had too much of it. But it was really good...
Day 1,003
Mmmm... lemonade!
We went for lunch to a place near both my office and where @megiz works. Good food. Sweet dessert. Refreshing lemonade. If you're fr...
Day 1,009
Giant broccoli
I've been driving around during the golden hour, trying to find a nice ray of light somewhere between the trees, but failed miserably....
Day 1,087
So it began. Getting chilly outdoors. Today I went to take some test shots at the place I will be doing a photoshoot soon. Put the 35mm f/2 on th...
Day 1,132
Bedtime story
Reading a book about a rebel raindeer partying during christmas eve instead of helping with presents and stuff. Some serious plot, I tel...
Day 1,057
I missed the sunset light by 10 minutes (was driving and couldn't really stop for a photo). So this is a streak pic. For real this time. I can't...
Day 1,074
Fun afternoon
We had a little mother - son dance off today. Boy, that little guy loves dancing. And I love having the old E-M5 back. I don't know what...
Day 499
Testing more techniques. I think I have enough to produce some decent article about it. I'm having so much fun taking those minimal photos....
Day 917
Neon whisky
Last minute shot before getting back to work. I'm on fire recently. Can't stop producing new designs. I love those periods. It usually las...
Day 948
View from our bedroom. The beaver gang cut down a tree and had some fun with the floating log. Right in front of the house. Thug life. #saturda...
Day 1,044
MRR stands for Monthly Recurring Revenue and it's basically an indicator of how much money tookapic makes a month. This is a daily chart. And th...
Day 1,078
What I really like about the E-M5 is that I have so many old manual lenses for it. I've been playing with the Fujian today. #night #computer #w...
Day 1,189
I really hope winter hits hard soon. I'd love to take the family for a walk to the forest and shoot some winter photos like
Day 1,043
I did the math again today. Tookapic has about 4 weeks until it runs out of money completely and I'll have to shut it down. #fall #outdoors #...
Day 1,085
When you see it...
Getting home after any abroad trip always means a lot of catching up. So I did not have much time today for a proper pic. Had to dr...
Day 1,200
First family sleigh ride ever. The light wasn't good (cloudy all day) but the fun on the sleigh was really nice. I hope the snow will stay for a...
Day 561
I really like the light we have in the living room at around 6PM. Managed to capture quite a few smiles, yawns and frowns. #thursday #afternoon...
Day 927
Homemade pizza
We went to our friends house. Got surprise homemade pizza. Then I got wasted. Now I'm uploading this photo, suffering a mild hangover....
Day 987
Hot Ideas
We had a first "Hot Ideas & Cold Drinks" meetup in Hacklag today. It's amazing what people are working on and what they're achieving. Great...
Day 1,101
I think we're done with the all the work for tookapic's birthday party. One thing I know for sure is that I will be talking way to much tomorro...