vividcolourfabric Happy b-day, Wiktor! :)
noun WAW! Already two years! Happy birthday Wiktor!
Ian Prince What a nice smile 😁 Great to see him growing up! You do know you’ll have to keep on buying these balloons each year 😉Happy birthday Wiktor 😁
Monika Fiba Happy birthday!
Magda Korzewska Happy B-day Wiktor. I remember the day you publish little t-shirt 2 years ago as I was a month or 2.
Rafal Laczynski Happy birthday! Beautiful pic!
Kazzi <3 <3 <3
Viola Kuniej <3
Aga Ka Happy b-day Wiktor! And I think I understand you, Pawel. My son is 2,5 and sometimes I still say to my husband that I can't believe we have a kid :)
Mikołaj Happy birthday!
Satoshi T Happy birthday Wiktor!!
greh 👍👍👍😀😀
v agnès Happy birthday Wiktor!
agnieszka bladzik
yes time flies fast, seems the photo of @Magdalena with his first photo was published yesterday, the same with 1 year, and it's already 2; happy b-day :D
also new hair cut :>
wkaleniecki Happy birthday🤘
Maciek Lipski Happy Birthday! :)
Edward Chang Happy birthday!
Karolina Mach Happy Birthday! 🎁🎈
Gogi Golzman Happy birthday to the little model of yours .. his smile is priceless everytime :)
wkaleniecki jakiego oświetlenia użyłeś w tym zdjęciu?
Szymon Maciejczyk all best !