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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 902
Auto mode
My first photo taken in the auto mode since forever. The car was also in auto mode. Well, kind of. It was on cruise control. This is a class...
Day 1,086
I was asked to take few pics of our coworking space. Community is growing and it's nice to capture it in photos. And that's also the space wher...
Day 1,109
Heavy breathing
Done with the - here's the result. One of the best gifts I ever got. I guess I could now do another...
Day 1,165
The tree
I got a bit carried away when buying the tree this year. It's really, really big. So - a note to self - do not buy a christmas tree while on...
Day 1,182
When I woke up today and looked out the window it was almost all white. I simply couldn't miss the opportunity to shoot some foggy pics. #morning...
Day 818
Blue Tuesday
Only pic I've taken today. The view is exactly how this tuesday feels. Grey, cloudy, cold and wet. 2017 didn't start very well. #outdoors...
Day 932
Nothing special. Am I the only one who thinks there's something wrong with the perspective in this one? It looks tilted. #mirror #thursday #ev...
Day 944
Another day with wonderful light during the golden hour. I just had to take advantage. Captured this candid moment. I like it. #portrait #evenin...
Day 1,080
Taken at 11:59:53 pm. Because I'm lazy and stupid. But only today. Or at least I hope I'll be back to normal tomorrow. Cheers! #friday #night #...
Day 1,173
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Great Christmas Eve. Great food. Lots of laughs. Great time spent with the family and friends. Recharging before New Year's. #evening #sun...
Day 1,199
Mighty Kia
Another day of heavy snowfall. I was driving throught the forest and couldn't resist taking a pic of the bright red Kia against the white a...
Day 1,992
Year one
I think the #birthday series we started four years ago for our older #son, was one of the best thing we did. So we're doing the very same thi...
Day 490
The idea
Was struggling to get today's pic. I was going to take some photos downtown, but it started to rain. So I came back home. Went upstairs to th...
Day 1,020
Gift basket
So here's the birthday present I got from friends. It's time to unpack it and start... consuming. Looking forward to trying all of those....
Day 1,069
Back in grey, rainy, cloudy Poland. Taken just before landing. I feel after-vacation depression coming and streak pics along with it. #morning...
Day 1,093
New toothbrush
A toothbrush that flickers when you use it is all it takes to convince a kid that brushing teeth is fun. What an amazing invention. #in...
Day 1,214
Bad frame, a bit tilted and I'm not sure it's focused on the eyes, but this is definitely one of my favorite pics lately. #indoors #portrait #...
Day 1,257
Afternoon coffee
I bought the Chemex few weeks ago (our coffee machine stopped working). I love it. The way it looks, the whole ritual of making coffe...
Day 1,006
Another streak pic that turned out pretty well. I did not expect to catch that swallow in the frame. A bit underexposed maybe. #outdoors #natu...
Day 1,023
Let's dig!
This year we're finally going to take care of the backyard which is a mess right now. We'll start with some digging. A huge excavator is al...
Day 1,218
Went swimming
So this pic is to remember that I actually did do some sports in 2018. I went swimming. 45 minutes, but still. A physical activity. This...
Day 1,296
I got lucky
Didn't have to wait too long for that frame. I switched to 45mm just in time. I just wish the stork woud go up, to "fill" the frame better...
Day 457
I wonder how deep covered in snow will we wake up tomorrow. #forest #outdoors #trees #nature #friday #evening #landscape #tree #street #sky #l...
Day 915
Met this cat while coming back home from a short walk. It was supposed to be the last day of nice weather so I wanted to take advantage. It was...