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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 1,144
Broken lamp
Best gift ever. Not the broken lamp, but the cardboard house he got from aunt and uncle. Seriously, I haven't seen him having so much fun...
Day 1,157
Need for beat!
This little man is addicted to music. Once he hears a melody he likes it's hard to stop him from dancing. He even learned how to turn t...
Day 1,169
Honestly, I have no idea what kind of art is that and what's the purpose of it, but it works. Once it's lit up, there's always bunch of peo...
Day 1,202
You gotta chill, dad.
My son explaining the meaning of life to me. Less stress and more fun. That's what I got out of this lecture. He seems to live j...
Day 1,227
Had two large coffees today 🚀 Also, finally got to work on the fake daylight setup in the studio. This is the result. No strobe, just one cont...
Day 1,308
Minimal Dead Tree
My 365 project would've been dead long time ago without that Dead Tree. It saved my streak couple of times. That's my favorite dead...
Day 456
Something for the weekly theme. I'm not gonna lie. I burned it. #thursday #food #evening #snack #cooking #people #cook #hand #january #frying-...
Day 540
Watching the sunset
I think Fibi is getting old. She's much more calm lately. I cought her staring at the sunset today. I think this might be one of m...
Day 973
Golden hour streak pic
This time of the year golden hour is just around the time we put Wiktor to sleep, so I have just 2-3 minutes to grab the golden...
Day 1,024
I was going to get a white one, but would've had to wait at least 3 months, so I got a red one. And I must admit, it grows on me. The tone of re...
Day 1,025
A little afternoon party. I wasn't drinking this time, because, you know - someone has to drive the awesome new car. And since I wasn't drink...
Day 1,196
Train Station
Drove @ianprince to the train station today. Took the opportunity to shoot some photos of trains. This one is the furthest from my usual...
Day 955
Streak pic, but still taken during the golden hour. Getting used to the Fuji dials and buttons faster than I thought. The amount of focus poin...
Day 978
After the rain
High grass bends under the weight of heavy rain. I like this kind of spiral pattern. And of course the green color. #outdoors #nature #...
Day 1,022
Hello Kia!
So today I picked up a new Sportage. I've been driving an Audi A2 for the last 10 years. And this is actually the first time I have a brand...
Day 1,278
In time for sunrise
First sunrise this year. I'm getting up earlier every day. The goal is to hit 5:00 am wake-up next week. Can't wait! #fall #outdoo...
Day 614
Wild west
I was driving through the forest. And the dust was looking so good in the light of setting sun. Decided to stop and take a pic. Fortunately...
Day 1,194
Look who I've met in Bialystok today. It's @ianprince! We've got some work to do tomorrow, but after that we'll go downtown to grab a beer. If...
Day 1,988
Quick grab
This #my-pandemic-fridge is fun. Ridiculous, but fun. #theme-at-home
Day 498
Mystery bag
I got my first photography job today. I need to take creative photos of what's in the bag. I'm not going to tell what's in it yet. I've ne...
Day 907
Hello Spring!
The weather this morning was absolutely amazing. We took a short walk to the nearby forest. Someone had a blast. Hello Spring! #morning...
Day 962
We found the best spot to moor for the night ever. The boat was right next to the shore. There was a place for fire. It generally was the perfec...
Day 1,028
Dirty dog
We're halfway through the backyard works and Fibi had to help digging. In the mud. Oh well... dirty dog is a happy dog, right? #portrait #ev...
Day 1,034
Evening treat
I'm running out of the birthday presents from the Last night's treat was American Dry Stout. Perfect...