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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 673
Five months
So it's been five months now. Time flies. When I browse throught the pics taken in April I can see how tiny this little guy was. Time flie...
Day 704
No more selfies
Selfie week is over. And what better way to end it than with a quadruple selfie? We need to practice smiling though. #selfie #afternoo...
Day 739
Coffee beans
I love the weekend mornings at home. The whole house smells like freshly ground coffee. And there's nothing better than that smell on a s...
Day 992
Streak pic
Streak pics will be happening more often for me now. I got few design jobs for the next few weeks and will probably be busy a lot. A lot, a...
Day 996
Had to resize the pic as mch as possible. Where I am right now there is no signal, no internet. But there's booze and people so it's good. #ind...
Day 1,122
Family meeting
Well, I know this is an extremely low quality snapshot from my iPhone's front camera. I did have a backup photo taken with a proper dev...
Day 1,124
Bad night
It's not a streak pic, even though it was taken at 11:59:51 pm. It perfectly illustrates the day. I shot it while driving back from 24/7 pha...
Day 1,146
Night owl
So I'm trying to switch from night owl to early bird. I did that few years ago and It was very surprising to me how much you can get done be...
Day 1,293
After a week of no-meat meals I'm back to real food. This looks fine, but didn't taste as good. Cooking meat is tricky. So much to learn. #after...
Day 1,825
Photography is LIFE
If 5 years ago someone told me that I’d be taking daily photos for 1825 days straight, I’d laugh. First - I can’t do it. Second -...
Day 1,058
...and no play.
I had this idea for a pic since noon. I had two takes at this, then battery died. The light source is a monitor with no source plugged...
Day 1,070
Test shot
I got the E-M5 back. Fixed, cleaned and with updated firmware. Unfortunately I got it when it was already getting dark outside so I only sho...
Day 1,143
More fun with E-M5
And the 17mm f/1.8 which I always thought wasn't fun at all. Changing my mind now. In other news... almost sold the X-T20. I hope t...
Day 365
The best photo ever
This is it. This is my 365th photo. It’s the best I’ve ever taken. And probably most important to me. Don’t be fooled by the size...
Day 1,176
Working late
Spent half the night working on last-minute Tookapic tweaks and fixes before we hit New Year and before a new wave of users hits us. Ever...
Day 1,207
The Dead Tree, a bit of fog and street lights. That resulted in quite an interesting image. I don't know why, but I turned off long-exposure n...
Day 1,290
Office lamp
Catching last minutes of daylight in my home office. Sunsets have been really nice those last couple of days. #friday #office #evening #li...
Day 1,994
Never too late for a beer. #theme-creepy. I like this theme.
Day 2,003
More for the Floating Hand series.
Day 2,034
Evening fun
No matter what people tell you, it's impossible to convey how it really is to have #kids.
Day 770
Home-made bread
Magda baked a home-made bread, so Wiktor could have his first sandwich. The bread came out absolutely delicious. I'm afraid that after...
Day 808
First Xmas
Doesn't look very happy in this one. But I like the melancholy in this pic. Right after we took this and started unpacking the presents the...
Day 1,148
More bokeh!
It started snowing last night. Took the camera out of the bag on my way to the car. Shot some street pics, none of them actually sharp. It...
Day 1,268
Office redone
I spent last couple of weeks working from home. I recently started to struggle to do good job. And since I work as a creative I tried re...