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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 1,302
I made this! #2👌
Today's breakfast. I'm getting better at this and start to actually enjoy cooking. I'm far, far behind @megiz and will probably never...
Day 1,330
Testing durability of the umbrella we got to get some shade in the afternoons. He didn't break it but he was close. Nice light, isn't it? Gol...
Day 1,645
Morning Commute
On my way to work. Beautiful #weather. Great #light. The only thing we're missing now is the 10+ °C temperature. #theme-early-bird #fo...
Day 682
House warming
We went to a house warming party yesterday. I took some really nice photos during the golden hour. I took some weird ones and funny ones...
Day 743
A pitch-black room? So what. Fear not. He's going in anyway. The room won't explore itself. Another evening with excessive amounts of energy....
Day 1,135
Last minute fixes
Can't tell you more at the moment, but expect an email from tookapic really soon. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, a...
Day 1,142
Selling the X-T20
The E-M5 is just so much more fun to shoot. I literally smile when taking photos with it. And I don't mind the lower resolution or o...
Day 1,206
I did a small favor for @konrad_kotelczuk and few days later I got this box of beer. I haven't been drinking for about two weeks, but today wa...
Day 1,366
Goodbye Switzerland!
Had a long walk around Geneva. What a lovely place Switzerland is. At least the part I saw. Would love to come for a proper holid...
Day 452
Invisible christmas tree
Played with the reflections today. I looked outside the window and there it was. The invisible christmas tree. #outdoors #nat...
Day 507
I got to take some pics from 14th floor today. And when you get such an opportunity, you take it. Especially in Bialystok, where 14th floor...
Day 527
I took some nice pics of the clouds today. But this one is definitely better. So hello, from the little big guy. #friday #evening #blue #bed #s...
Day 1,089
This morning we went to see airshow taking place in our city. It was so cold and windy that we had to leave 15 mins after arriving. Not much t...
Day 1,155
One more
I'm out of interesting lightbulbs at home, so this one is probably the last one in the weekly theme. I didn't expect it to be so fun. #nature...
Day 1,261
Om nom!
I can't remember the last time I had three photos in the weekly theme! This is obviously a guilty pleasure, but if you'd have a cake made by m...
Day 772
Olympus PEN E-PL8
I got this little guy today along with the 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6. It was sent for a 2-week test by Olympus. I'm going to test it as an e...
Day 1,190
Fire Parrot
That time of the year again. Temperature outside way below zero. We're sitting in front of the fire place, having beer and wine. #iseeface...
Day 1,195
The Pub
Went for a beer with @ianprince and @maciejkorsan. No drinking for me. Still sobering up from Staturday night out. Just tea and orange juice f...
Day 1,198
I wanted to be Santana
I remember when I was still a bachelor, I wanted to impress my soon-to-be-wife so she wouldn't have any second thoughts when wa...
Day 1,215
Back seat bokeh
Front seat actually, but I think I should make a gallery with all those "back seat sundays" photos. Had a huge pizza... and a beer, so...
Day 1,256
Birthday cake
We had a late birthday party for Wiktor on Saturday. I think @megiz should be awarded "Mother of the year" title for this cake. Not only...
Day 1,331
It's been a while since I last entered the weekly theme. Can't get any more fruity than this. Even the table cloth! #thursday #afternoon #food...
Day 1,334
Another great day outdoors. Not our place this time. Really nice two days. It was a good weekend. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood...
Day 555
Another moment
I went outside to take some sunset pics with Fibi. But then I spotted those two by the window and managed to capture some really nice p...