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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 765
Selfie streak pic
I'm still sick. No idea for a pic today. So here's a simple selfie streak pic. I bought a continuous lighting lamp few weeks ago and...
Day 1,180
The Party
We had no-kids New Year's eve party at our place. Just like the old days. Dancing, drinking, playing games and taking selfies. A lot of self...
Day 1,276
The Dead Tree
This time shot through a dirty window, so the picture is not as clear as it could've been. But still, I like the minimal look. #outdoors...
Day 1,307
Kick off.
Today we've officially started working on the backyard. The amount of work it needs is huge. But we started. That's good. I've been document...
Day 1,326
Spent the afternoon at the kinder-party at our friends place. Took this shot from their balcony. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #landscap...
Day 1,922
WOŚP #28
It's that time of the year again. A huge country-wide charity to help equip polish hospitals. Just like every year, I went to support WOŚP to...
Day 434
It's getting colder every day. We went for a short walk around the nearby fields. The views were really nice. #morning #outdoors #nature #land...
Day 466
For the players
Bought two sheets of black, matte paper the other day. It comes in handy when I need to shoot a streak pic like this. A single light s...
Day 476
Cleaning time
You know that moment, when you spot a dust particle on the sensor while changing the lens? Here's a tip. Don't try to blow it. You might...
Day 550
Four weeks
We're starting to communicate. #afternoon #sunday #baby #bed #hand #fist #sheets #infant #bedroom #april
Day 702
Showing him the world
First time Wiktor sees the sea. We spent a lovely afternoon at the beach. He really liked it. We all did. #friday #afternoon #se...
Day 1,114
Software project
I have a feeling we've been accomplishing more when working on scrum rather than plain kanban, which we do now on Trello. So I was tr...
Day 1,245
Just an entry for the weekly theme. I should've arrange the boosk so they would make a nice gradient or something. #night #tuesday #book #boo...
Day 1,344
I was looking for a picture for the weekly theme. I failed. #fall #outdoors #nature #food #evening #wood #wednesday #tree #leaf #fruit #branch #n...
Day 1,414
I can't believe this was taken with a compact camera and not even in the macro mode. Awesome, shallow DoF at f/1.8. #nature #old #vintage #...
Day 1,806
Glorious neighbor
Well, the series continues. This time with one of the most incredible rainbow I have ever seen. Funny, when it's sunny and it rains...
Day 1,914
Saw #fibi sitting in the corridor, waiting to be fed in the morning. Loved the light. I'm always amazed by the way she sits. Hmm... maybe I'l...
Day 1,998
More outdoors
Put those stumps out today so we can have some fun soon. Like this: but only the four of us.
Day 469
Red apple
I think this black paper was one of the best purchases I made recently. Learning continuous lighting... continues. #nature #food #apple #nig...
Day 512
Old apples
Creative block today. Didn't have any idea for a photo. Found some old apples in the kitchen. I wanted to shoot another minimal still life...
Day 577
I deserved a treat
The kid is asleep, tha lawn is mowed. I deserved to have a beer while watching the sunset. There was a baby monitor in the frame, n...
Day 631
Watching the sunset
I know I should've probably posted something related to tonights game, like this awesome photo:
Day 686
As I said before. No more streak pics this week. I went out to shoot some night/street/city photos. I did take some cool long exposure shots of...
Day 725
We took another sunday walk in the park. The weather was absolutely awesome. It was warm, sunny and yellow. I took very few pics today, but thi...