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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 2,054
Browsing the memes, hacking them pintirest. #badcrop
Day 2,284
Classic, but with different light.
Day 2,289
Morning walk with the dog. It’s so nice outdoors now.
Day 313
I thought this was going to be just another "streak pic" day. But this turned out to be one of my favourites this year. It really shows how laz...
Day 567
I don't remember this
Weird things happen when you take photos at 4 or 5 am, half asleep. Apparently I decided to take a photo of sun coming out of a...
Day 588
The E-M5
Even though I really like the RX100, the E-M5 is still my favourite. And it's just perfect with the 45mm. Here's one of the shots from the up...
Day 627
Hot summer
It's hot. It's really, really hot. Up to 35°C in the shade. Ice cold beer is an awesome cure for this kind of weather. And so I've been cur...
Day 630
Sad Fibi
We had an unexpected visit to the vet today. She got few shots. It's all good now. Hopefully. #indoors #portrait #evening #dog #wednesday #an...
Day 697
Pear eating bitch
She ate like 15 pears that fell off the tree. Fibi goes full vegetarian. #forest #woods #outdoors #nature #afternoon #sunday #dog #a...
Day 762
Damn, Olympus!
You know that feeling when you get to drive a supercar for few days and then you have to go back to your old car? There’s nothing wrong...
Day 775
Old building
Right in front of the new office I'm working from. And very near the appartment I lived in as a kid. I was trying to get a single person...
Day 1,323
Zombie Tree
Yup, the Dead Tree again. I've been working a lot lately. But the days are longer. Golden hour is later. It's good. Getting better. #outdo...
Day 1,359
Dead Trees
These were once "growing" in the river near our house: Once they started to collapse on their own, we de...
Day 1,421
We're home. That's it. That's all I have to say. Actually no! There's something more. I want to thank you all for all the comments I (we) got du...
Day 1,461
Saying goodbye to England. Had a great time. Nice to get out from Poland once in a while. #october #outdoors #afternoon #old #classic #vintage...
Day 1,492
Had a beautiful light in the home office today. Working on mobile views for the new Tookapic. Almost done with it. Now the legal stuff next we...
Day 1,655
Went to the #park. Took a #walk. Watched #bubbles. Shot some pics. #goodafternoon.
Day 1,658
Missed the sunset
#streakpic of our #pond just after the #sunset. #theme-earth
Day 1,692
Little brother
I got the idea of reshooting - boys are same age in both of those pics. I did put them together and...
Day 1,707
Little Gardner
Watering mom's plants during the golden hour. I'm so proud.
Day 1,774
One of my favorite portraits I've taken. Perfect light, perfect look, perfect focus.
Day 1,828
366 by Chierowski
I got a gift from my wife today. An iconic, restored chair designed by J. Chierowski sometime in 1960's. How cool is that?! #design...
Day 1,833
Evening sky. A quick one. No time to shoot anything else today. Busy, busy day. #gradient #sky #clouds
Day 1,954
Yellow chair
I couldn't resist. Took another photo of one of my cameras today. I love the yellow shade of this chair. I think I found another #streakp...