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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 1,639
Two weeks
Almost two weeks passed. #timeflies
Day 1,651
We've set up the fire pit for the season together #hardwork
Day 1,657
One month
I'm honestly scared of how fast #timeflies. I know I'm saying this a lot, but it really messes with my head. Taken with #manual lens, on f/1...
Day 1,797
We're back to living the everyday mundane #life. And to be honest, we're quite #happy about it. #candid #smile
Day 1,904
Went to my grandma's 80th birthday party. This little guy met some aunts and uncles for the first time. Good time.
Day 1,971
Back to work
Managed to do some work. Wrapped up one project and researched another one. And even shot a nice photo while doing it. Good feeling.
Day 2,229
Bedtime stories
We try to read to the kids every night. Recently the younger one started to show interest in books and stories. Good sign.
Day 2,271
One day after I posted a winter photo that looks like it was taken in the middle of spring, we had a decent snowfall!
Day 2,299
I’m redoing my home office. Trying out different paint colors. I think I’m going to go with green.
Day 148
Couldn't help myself. I had to take this photo. Perfectly clear sky with no stars visible. Almost no glow around the moon. Not as detailed as oth...
Day 156
Got a new light modifier today. A beauty dish with a honeycomb grid. Also got a neutral density filter for one of my lenses, so I can get shal...
Day 348
New skill
Missed the daylight. Had to improvise in the home studio. I like the end result. There's definitely some room for improvement (not everythin...
Day 392
Bath 2
I think it's getting too creepy. I should probably take a break from those "posters of never-made movies". Noone was injured during shooting th...
Day 425
Oh man
You know what happens when you have absolutely no idea for a photo? None. Zero. Null. This happens. A rain of tangerines happens. #indoors #nig...
Day 449
We had a "Western movie" theme for our new year's eve party. I think I did pretty good. #thursday #evening #people #hand #shooting #shirt #man...
Day 559
Painful streak pic
Had some serious headache for no reason. Did not have time for a proper pic. This will have to do it. I think I need to make a gall...
Day 574
A cow
A cow, Pawel? Seriously? It's actually a bull. But really, I'm having another week of bad photos. I need to find an hour for photography in my d...
Day 587
Shooting timelapse for the film. I went outside the city around the golden hour. And even though it was cloudy, the light was still unique....
Day 590
Still frame
Another shot that might make it to the final video. Still a lot of shots needed. Me being a perfectionist doesn't help at all. I know that...
Day 715
On the road
Going on a sailing trip. 3 days without computer. I have three cameras with me, but only the RX100 has wifi built in. All the retouching i...
Day 718
The crew
I did take better photos today, but this is the one I want in my photobook this year. Thanks to the crew. It was a really fun weekend. #after...
Day 1,355
Too slow, dad!
Both me and my camera are sometimes too slow to capture the son in frame. Fish-eye lens seems to be the only solution :P #portrait #fal...
Day 1,367
Back to Poland. Stayed late to watch the game and catch up on work. This pic was actualy lit with iPhone screen. #friday #night #beer #bottle #gla...
Day 1,388
Time off. For real. Just two days but still, an amazing achievement. Quality time. Kind of a streak pic I guess, but I’m not even mad. #natur...