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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 1,581
Another #book for 2019. Believe it or not, but this photo was lit with just a computer screen. #readingnow
Day 1,640
~6 weeks with #nobooze. This might be a new record.
Day 1,647
I'm testing a different working space. It doesn't have its own #heating so I have to survive with an electric #heater. It's been a productive wee...
Day 1,765
The screen on @megiz's good old iPhone 5C broke, so we had to get a new phone. Today, after 4 or 5 years of using iPhone 6 I erased it gave i...
Day 1,823
We were supposed to spend the afternoon at a birthday party, but once we got out of the car, one of the kids felt sick, so we had to drive back h...
Day 1,874
Time limit
I've been using Screen Time feature in iOS to limit my usage of certain apps. While it only takes extra two taps to bypass the limit, it's...
Day 2,142
Been writing a lot lately. Less than 4000 words in a day is a very low score for me during the last couple of weeks.
Day 2,161
This photo. Everything is wrong about it, starting with framing. But I don’t even remember taking it so... ¯\(ツ)/¯
Day 2,186
View from the office window at late afternoon.
Day 2,220
South Park
Trying to wind down in the evening.
Day 2,255
Modern Family
Found this gem on Netflix. It’s like Friends, but for people with children.
Day 2,274
The True Believer
In 2021 I decided to read a very different kind of books that I usually read. That’s a good start.
Day 2,315
Old Screen
I was going to sell an old 24” Apple Cinema Display for $40 as „broken”. It did not work. At least I thought so. Then one of the potential...
Day 2,375
Well... maybe just tired.
Day 2,409
Delivered the course. One day before the deadline. I’m exhausted.
Day 23
Pizza and wine
I should really get some decent lamps because those macbook reflections look ridiculous. Anyway, the plan for tonight is pizza, wine an...
Day 43
So we have this muddy kind of winter with wet and heavy snow here in Poland. I'm not a big fan. Especially because I didn't have time to put t...
Day 45
No hurry. There's time for everything. Sipping hot coffee while retouching some pics I took earlier today. #indoors #afternoon #mac #apple #v...
Day 73
Visited the Afrykarium - a new part of the Zoo in Wroclaw. I must admit this place is quite amazing. Definitely worth visiting. Took more than...
Day 88
A small coffee at dawn, just before going to the ski slope. I'll be taking the camera with me tomorrow, can't wait to shoot those landscape pic...
Day 91
On the ski lift
Another day, another slope tamed. Skied with some serious speed today. I feel more confident with the skies on now. And to think that...
Day 130
We went bowling today. And being in love with the 45mm I took it with me instead of 17mm. 45mm on a micro 4/3 sensor is equivalent to 90mm. Tu...
Day 174
Design Alive
I finally found one copy of Design Alive magazine with an article about tookapic inside. It's a nice feeling when someone writes about yo...
Day 176
Here are some excuses. Some gibberish to cover my laziness. It's just gray all day. No sun. Everything has pretty much the same grayish color....