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Kateli Thank you !!

Nilson Menezes Superb silhouette

Kateli Thank you very much !!

craig Wow Kate! This is a wonderful shot, a stunning Contre-jour! I think it is your best ever (I would need to check but it is way up there).

Kateli Aw ! Thank you so much Craig !!! You've got me blushing !! :0)

Kateli Thank you very much !!! :0)

Marcin Wojtasik Wow! It's so amazing and perfect! :)

Kateli Wow ! What a compliment !!! Thanks so much !!

Marcin Wojtasik It's my favourite photo today :)

Kateli Oh ! Thank you ! That's so kind !!

Hanna Gawrychowska Wow
It's perfect

Kateli Oh ! Thank you so much !!!

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Kateli Thank you very much !!! :0)

Satoshi T Beautiful you @Kateli !

Kateli I'm blushing Satoshi ! Thank you !!

Ian Forbes Great Shot. Looks almost like your on another planet. (fav)

Kateli It's kind of like that in the mornings when I have time to go down to the lakeside... before the real hectic life starts !!
Thanks for your comment !!

Katrina Yu Now now, your self-portraits are getting soooo good. I hope you're having a good one too. <3

This is such a beaut!

I've seen a lot of silhouette photos, but this one speaks.
And a photo that speaks is a powerful one.
This speaks resilience, strength, and elegance.
Then the whole yellow hue represents hope.

I think it's just a beautiful, Kate. <3

Kateli Thank you so so much for interpretation of my morning photo ! Your words are very touching !! They go straight to my heart !!
Take care and please remember that it's your photos that inspire me !!!! xxx

dzz I love every part of this photo. Amazing!

Kateli Thank you so so much !!!

Margie Creative idea. The high heels show up so well.

Kateli Thank you Margie !! xx :0)

Kateli Thank you very much !!!

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