eventide Here, in Szczecin shops, I'd seen only "Querkles: Animals" and "Querkles: Masterpieces", but there's more kinds of it ;) It's really nice feeling to see an famous painting or sculpture in totally new colour version, made by yourself! :)
Bruce Very cool! I didn't realize the author was from New Zealand. Amazon has all the colouring books, including "Icons" which includes famous people like Marilyn Monroe, Muhammed Ali, etc. Btw, nice job on King Tut :-)
eventide Thank you so much! :)
craig Love this and I love the title "50 shades of grey".
eventide Thank you twice for your compliments 😊
Jan Buchta Interesting. I've never heard about "Querkles". It looks like good fun and like something what calms you down. I have to Google it.
eventide Like all colouring books, it's calming, but I'm always getting furious, if I make mistake like colouring the oval, which should stay uncoloured :D
Jan Buchta I like gray (colour I mean of course) so it's even more interesting than standard colouring book for me. Probably I've never seen something like that in shops.
eventide Or maybe you just weren't looking for it? ;)
Jan Buchta Yes I wasn't but standard colouring book I saw ;)
Edward Chang Cool! I also want to try it if I could get it!
eventide It's a fact, "Querkles" are really good fun, and I hope you'll find them and you're gonna see yourself how cool they are :)
Krasnal Wielki Bardzo zdolną osóbką jesteś
eventide Dziękuję! Niestety, to na razie tylko kolorowanka, więc duży talent nie jest tu wymagany, ale mam nadzieję, że już wkrótce dokończę rysunek wykonany przeze mnie i też go opublikuję ;)
Krzysztof Maciejewski Ach, pokolorować maskę Tutenchamona 50 odcieniami szarości... Działa na wyobraźnię :-)
eventide Kupiłam zestaw 6 czarno - szarych Promarkerów specjalnie w celu wypełniania nimi Kwerkli... Do tej pory wykorzystałam je również w przypadku fragmentu "Stworzenia Adama" Michała Anioła... To dopiero pobudza te skojarzenia, których nie powinno 😂
Bruce Great capture Ev. Looks pretty cool. I have not heard of Querkies, but now I'll have to look it up :-).