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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,950
Funny and a little annoying
The Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have learned that tapping on the glass is rather loud.
Day 1,920
Song Sparrow
A New-to-Me bird!
Day 1,919
Ring-necked Ducks
Fun ducks on the marsh!
Day 1,916
Lack Luster But Also Refreshing
On my way into town today I spotted a couple of photographers, a man and his granddaughter, standing on the side of th...
Day 1,915
Sing Redpoll
There is a photo. I'm sure you've seen it. A Red-winged Blackbird is sitting on a bullish singing; it's breath visible. While isn't that,...
Day 1,911
Sandhill Crane
Right place, right time. The Cranes are back for 2021!
Day 1,884
M'eh Quality of a Surprise
Was headin' out to top up the bird feeders, only to find that my new Squirrel Deterrent had arrived. Spent about fifteen mi...
Day 1,861
Day 1,845
Flock of Evening Grosbeaks
Remember the other day, when I said that I should come up with a new project? Yeah… that’s totally not happened yet. Maybe...
Day 1,843
Gotta Fly
Had some luck today with my Feeder Shots. I'm rather quite happy this shot. Ya, it's not spectacular -no one is going to publish it- but I l...
Day 1,829
Polaroid Colorpack 80
Another day, another camera of old. Today it's the very first camera I ever bought, a Polaroid Colorpack 80. I bought this camer...
Day 1,828
Hairy Woodpecker
First (half) day back at work. Scanning bills, updating reports, and enjoying the 10 o’clock maintenance meeting (read: coffee break)...
Day 1,827
A big of colour
On an otherwise grey and dull day, a flock of Evening Grosbeaks visited the feeders today. One of my non-photography goals for 2021 is...
Day 1,825
Common Redpoll
At long last, I've managed to count two of these little guys for my feeder count. Sure, they've shown up before... but never during a c...
Day 1,797
Love my little birds.
This morning, while filling the feeders, I got mobbed by five Chickadees. (They were a little pissed I was 90 minutes late getti...
Day 1,790
Security Upgrades
Finally got some new hardware installed at work. We've had an issue with folks deciding that the "No Trespassing" sign was optional....
Day 1,785
First (but not really) of the Year
This is the second Hairy Woodpecker of the season. The first was yesterday, but wouldn't you know it... no card in...
Day 1,784
Someone has been busy...
And soon enough someone else is going to be busy too. This tree is right on the edge of the driveway, maybe ten feet or so. T...
Day 1,783
The Whole Kit
I'm still bummed about work and COVID and the impending sense of doom, but I've got birds that need photographing, so that's what I'll d...
Day 1,750
One of Many
This photo has been taken hundreds of millions of times before. There is nothing unique or interesting or significant at all about this ph...
Day 1,720
Swanson's Thrush
A New-to-Me bird. This rare 'lil guy was sitting on the gravel for about an hour before flying away.
Day 1,693
White-faced Meadowhawk
Last summer dragonfly.
Day 1,673
We had some weather yesterday. A twister touched down in Kinmount, no reports of any injuries. Halfway between here and Kinmount is an old, ab...
Day 1,672
Lazy Sunday
Damp, cool, and dreary day. Not that I'm complaining. We need the rain. And it's not coming in a downpour, just a gentle consistent shower...