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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 160/365
1 streak
Day 25
A Lester Burnham Kind of Day
Today has been entirely too much like work. I spent way too much time arguing with website; too much energy solving probl...
Day 26
End of Another Day
I like weekends. There is very little (at least this time of the year) that requires my attention. It's nice to goof off and not ha...
Day 27
This is not a picture of a Chickadee
... "Chickadees are easy to photograph and are always an ideal place to start with bird photography". Someone tol...
Day 28
Morning Choices and Consequences
Each morning I'm faced with a choice; do I attach the Canon or the Tamron? I only have two lenses A Canon 24-105 and...
Day 29
A State of Chaos and Entropy
I am not a tidy person. I know this. I've accepted this. I try to not worry too much about it. I know I need a certain de...
Day 30
What's Important
For too long I've been focused on work. Putting in extra hours; giving up opportunities to see friends; not giving my passions the ti...
Day 31
It's What I do
Not that I jump into ice water to teach people how to rescue themselves... no, I hire a professional for that. What I do is facilitate...
Day 32
A Reminder of Why I'm Here
Today was the sort of day that reminds me why I'm here... 'here' of course being code for 'where I work'. Nothing like an O...
Day 33
Listen to the Experts...
... sometimes they actually know what they are talking about. There is a lot I don't like about this image. I'm not going to...
Day 34
The Secret is Not to Be in a Hurry
Yesterday I headed into town for dinner (it was a long day, and frankly, I deserved it). On my way I stopped off at...
Day 35
Now With a Bigger Lens, Better Positioning, and a New Minty Fresh Taste!
Spent some time today looking at my creek. Found a rock that made for a nice...
Day 36
Sometimes all you need is a tiny purple gorilla
As a fully matured man-child, I like to have fun little things in my office. Doing so puts a smile on...
Day 37
Snowy overcast feelings.
What a day. This picture reflects how my day went. Interpret as you see fit. #morning #wednesday #sun #cloud #winter #snow #f...
Day 38
It's the simple things really.
One of things I enjoy most about my job is the getting out and meeting people. Today was a good day. #thursday #candid...
Day 39
Let it Snow (because I don't wanna leave)
Sever Snow Squalls in my area today. What a perfect reason not to go anywhere and stay home. #friday #aftern...
Day 40
You've Got to Be Kiding Me
Was out and about with the camera club today for the monthly field trip. This month we were just outside of Bancroft to sho...
Day 41
What do you get when you mix a car's headlights, a long lens taking a long exposure, and cellphone editing?
This. This right here. Sometimes, when I r...
Day 42
Displaying Your Art
One of the biggest fears I have about my photography is loosing my files. It's happened before and it'll happen again. Presently I...
Day 43
Snow on a Twig and Some Lichen Too
Needed something simple of a project I'm working on. I love being able to walk out my office door and shoot this. N...
Day 44
Mimicing as a Tool to Learning
Twice a year I have a school group that comes up for SCIENCE! They get to go out and do different environmental monitor...
Day 45
Not Sure How I Feel
Texture night at Camera Club. This isn't something I would normally shoot. Not sure how I feel. On one hand I really (!) like how...
Day 46
Playing with the smartphone
How close can I get? What sort of editing can I do? How do I adjust that thing I want to adjust. It's fun to play. #friday...
Day 47
New Office
Part of my role at work is to post on social media. As someone who enjoys photography Im naturally drawn towards the photo-based ones. I wa...
Day 48
Feelings and the Weather
For the last week or so I've been in the dumps; a hot mess of doubt, insecurity, and the utter lack of anything ever remotely...