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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,018
Today's Adventures in Life: $0.58
A story from yesterday, but didn't feel like posting it: This morning I received a notice from Scotiabank about a pr...
Day 2,019
Record Keeping
Just a streak photo today. Not ashamed of it at all. Tomorrow, something (personally) special and important... hopefully.
Day 2,020
Too long
It's too long since I've seen a movie. Finally got a chance to go into town and catch one on the big screen. For anyone who's asking, bBack W...
Day 2,021
not a bird to be found
Went out looking for a Kingfisher today. No luck. Oh well
Day 2,022
Aborted Adventure in the Afternoon
Was going to take a drive town the Milburn. Stupid flooding.
Day 2,023
Day 2,024
Most exciting thing to happen in months!
Been without land line services since last week. Bell was out to check the lines.
Day 2,025
Day 2,026
What have YOU done?
Watching the news this morning and caught an interview with Jordan Konek(L) and Kowisa Arlooktoo(R), who will be hosting the Olymp...
Day 2,027
I know what Dante Hicks meant
"I'm not even supposed to be here today." Oh well... Maybe I can bank the hours for next week.
Day 2,028
More geese
Day 2,029
Fledgling Phoebe
Day 2,030
Burning Out
I'm tired and uninspired. Been that way for a while. In other news, we've gotten half the cameras back up and running, so if anyone is pla...
Day 2,031
Two new Smiley-faces
Long drive today, five hours and change. Stupid drivers in stupid cities. So much m'eh.... Bright side: found two new Smiley-face...
Day 2,032
(third attempt at posting) Nice quiet couple-a-few days ahead. Should be good.
Day 2,033
Day 2,034
Day 2,035
Day 2,036
From the other day...
Shared a Smiley-face a couple-a-few days ago and mentioned an other one... Whelp here it is.
Day 2,037
Day 2,038
Day Two
Out for another walk yesterday. Say another/same monarch as yesterday. Heck, might even have been the same thistle... and the same deer fly bu...
Day 2,039
Apocalypse Jay
I've seen pictures of molting jays before (the joke is "Your Blue Jays looking bald? Must be August") first time seeing it myself AND t...
Day 2,040
Just Be
In this case, just be the squirrel.
Day 2,041
Too long
seems like my purple finches have been away for a long while. at least they stopped by for a visit.