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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 119/365
28 streak
Day 2,191
Return of the Angery Bird
Finally managed to get my eyes on a flock of Evening Grossbeaks this afternoon. While not a Note Card-worthy image, it certa...
Day 2,192
It was a very dull day. The weather was m'eh, work was m'eh, even the birds were m'eh. At least the squirrels took advantage of the situation to...
Day 2,193
Notecard Blue
Bit of snow, bit of clouds, and a whole load of jays. Might have a winner here.
Day 2,194
Press the Shutter
Okay, so, important note: In order to make a photo you need to press the shutter. Willing it to go isn't enough; one must put the ph...
Day 2,195
Not a Card, but Not a Throwaway
Sometimes I just gotta take a picture because I'm just not 100% sure. Like now. I'm all but certain that I'm looking a...
Day 2,196
Week 2: Passion
Week 2: Passion As part of the Weekly Photo Challenge over on r/clondon52, we were prompted to talk about our passions. So, here we go: * Photography...
Day 2,197
[Preface: Heavy editing in Lightroom (shadows, highlights, dehaze, contrast, probably more) in order to bring out my question] I don't expect any...
Day 2,198
First of the Year
Confirmed that the Purple Finches are back in the neighbourhood. Shot through some dirty glass (front door window) sadly, but I need...
Day 2,199
I bet there's a link.
If you check THE EXIF for this photo you'll notice it was taken on my cell. One of my goals for this year is to reduce my relian...
Day 2,200
Day 2,201
Mug of Happy
Spent an hour or so getting the birds use to the mug. Only this chickadee was brave enough to check it out. Probably going to do more of...
Day 2,202
Day 2,203
Another Day / Another Model
Local Red Squirrel decided to get in on the mug-shot fun.
Day 2,204
Week Three : Astrid Kirchherr
(... and the soul crushing feeling of Imposter Syndrom) Another submission to the 52 Week Challenge over at r/clondon52....
Day 2,205
Snowfall Warnings Remain in the Effect`
Yup, we got snow. In Canada. In the winter. Still, some folks just don't seem to understand that this shouldn'...
Day 2,206
A sparrow in a tree... finally
So many sightings of my Tree Sparrows recently, but finally got a picture of one in a tree. Also: saw some goldfinches...
Day 2,207
Week 3: Second Go
Been thinking about the black and white I shot earlier this week. Decided try something a bit different.
Day 2,208
A slow return to 'normal'
some time back, a few months at least, I had a leak in the apartment. part of the cleaning process involved clearing everyth...
Day 2,209
An Elusive Downy
Been seeing this Downy Woodpecker at the feeders lately. Not every day, but often enough.
Day 2,210
I meant to use the cell
While doing laundry today I noticed at pictured note. Seriously, why can't people be decent? Also: this 'found picture' was be...
Day 2,211
Blue Jay Way
Day 2,212
Digging in the Snow
One of the challenges for the local bird population is coping with the shoveling that takes place. Here's a jay digging through a...
Day 2,213
Low effort ≠ No effort
Up at 5:30 this morning for a two hour drive into the city. A couple-a-few hours or so of 'Hurry Up and Wait', followed by some...
Day 2,214
Week 4: Commitment
Week 4: Commitment Fourth week of the r/clondon52 Challenge! Okay, to start off with, I really struggle with open-ended assignments where you are give...