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9 photos
Day 537
Day #537
Sunset through a net curtain.
Day 537
#537 More beautiful little flowers
Welcome Summer!!!
Day 537
Day 537
#537 [172]
#537 [172] Uszka - a kind of Polish dumplings eaten in soup - in my home it's always a clear mushroom soup. I think I've made about 400 of them this y...
Day 534
#537 Linguistic Christmas time in our home - made cookies with coffee icing and writings. Very original wishes to all users & company - merry Christma...
Day 537
#nature #friday #lake #evening #landscape #light #water #tree #sun #reflection #sky #sunset #river #ocean #beach #silhouette #dawn #dusk #backlit...
Day 537
#thursday #office #night #glasses #book #lens #paper #business #education #university #reading #still-life #page #money #law #eyeglasses #composi...
Day 537
#evening #dark #color #wednesday #reflection #laptop #notebook #technology #hot #blur #lens #flame #smoke #energy #bright #desktop #abstract #mot...
Day 537
#537 (2.161): Too much for a rickshaw
#friday #night #people #outdoor #street-photography #night-photography #may #tourism #available-light