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72 photos
Day 9
This is first* book in this year in my 52 book challenge The Killer Next Door by Alex Marwood. The idea is read 52 books for 52 weeks... This is...
Day 9
Best friend for life
#afternoon #green #wednesday #technology #book #purple #kindle #friend #business #reading #january #ebook #information #finance #...
Day 2
"Uważam, że dobrym początkiem każdej znajomości jest zapamiętanie, jaką kawę lubi ta druga osoba." J. Lynn, Zaczekaj na mnie #afternoon #monday #co...
Day 81
Santa came earlier
Because of a great deal at I did buy a Christmas gift for myself a little bit earlier. And here it came. Now I need to wa...
Day 82
Tim Ferriss and The 4 Hour Workweek
In the autumn days best with "book" in your hand. #apple #evening #monday #keyboard #ipad #november #ebook #ebooks...
Day 70
Tim Ferriss and The 4 Hour Workweek
For a long time I collected to read this book. #october #evening #wednesday #ios #ipad #book #ebook #productive #w...
Day 248
Evening with the e-book
#thursday #october #book #kindle #ebook
Day 599
Photographer : Dominique (FlyteWizard) #apple #evening #sunday #phone #ip...
Day 206
#wood #white #wednesday #phone #screen #technology #book #amazon #books #kindle #ebook #june #communication #mobile-phone #theme-doubles #tel...
Day 204
Lazy afternoon
#evening #monday #computer #screen #couch #lazy #technology #internet #kindle #business #reading #digital #ebook #modern #june #communi...
Day 521
Ebook online
One of the many ebooks I have downloaded and placed on my sway journal #afternoon #tuesday #design #people #business #download #illustrat...
Day 131
#morning #food #sweet #monday #breakfast #soft #fruit #book #kindle #honey #cinnamon #healthy #reading #cozy #ebook #blueberry #blueberries #may...
Day 157
Books Books Ebooks
I'm trying to read more and just bought Kindle to make it happen #office #evening #white #computer #wednesday #screen #laptop #tech...
Day 98
#evening #wednesday #book #kindle #reading #ebook #april #read
Day 7
coffee & Nesbo #evening #white #tuesday #coffee #book #january #ebook
Day 13
'After all this time?'
'Always,' said Snape. #thursday #evening #book #kindle #paper #business #reading #january #ebook #text #harry-potter #e-book #q...
From analog to digital. Which one is better? #evening #wednesday #book #kindle #paper #business #money #ebook #reader #currency #finance #j...
Day 114
Creating ebook
Ian Hall doing an session at Forget Me Not Flower Cafe on Creating an ebook. Shows via on MacBook Pro to the TV my links in ONE DRIVE h...
Day 111
Creating an Ebook
This is a mindmap of my presentation on Creating an ebook. It processes on iBook Author for Macs etc.. Link to document at http://1d...
Day 90
Kobo (eBook reader on Windows 8.1)
This my Kobo account displayed on Windows 8.1 I have an Kobo account.(You have to set up account for free) When I c...
Day 52
Certificate for assisting at moderator for Creating eTextbooks
This course happened over 5 weeks from Jan to Feb. I was moderator for Creating eTextbo...
Day 44
MAC Pro Book with iBook creator
I am looking at creating an ebook on my MAC. With the widgets I can put pictures, media, 3D, Interactive image and htm...
Sorry guys, today it's just last minute photo for streak. And I literally feel bad about that, so I think developing photo-a-day habit works. #...