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69 photos
Day 225
Antique cemetery
#outdoors #afternoon #old #landscape #wood #light #wednesday #tree #november #cemetery #mystery #stone #travel #war #daylight #cemeta...
Day 172
171 #afternoon #saturday #people #woman #boy #child #veil #man #war #military #crowd #funeral #many #july #leader #adult #group #recreation #wear...
Day 994
Friendly gravestone
Never seen a gravestone this shape before - human shaped, I thought. Well, with a bit of imagination. #afternoon #old #vintage #re...
Day 260
#269 Czarny protest
#october #evening #tuesday #people #poznan #woman #election #education #battle #solidarity #polska #crowd #funeral #teacher #parli...
Day 265
#afternoon #old #sunday #book #november #cemetery #sign #war #memory #cemetary #funeral #god #grave #text #religion #tombstone #inscription #buri...
Day 151
After the Funeral Mass
My friend Danny's dad died this week. He was 102 years old. His portrait was in the church during the funeral Mass. The choir s...
Day 397
We attended a funeral today. Joy was only 42 years old, with a loving husband and 7 children ages 3 to 21, and had non-operable brain cancer. W...
Day 611
Farewell to my best friend
After, today was the day to say last goodbye. I am still speechless, even after three mo...
Day 221
THE CEMETERY IN LEGNICA W tym dniu nasze myśli i aktywność kierujemy na cmentarze rzymsko-katolickie. #morning #road #wednesday #street #city #people...
Day 21
#outdoors #friday #afternoon #garden #flower #art #sculpture #architecture #building #cemetery #stone #travel #monument #funeral #grave #may #tourism...
Day 183
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #monday #tree #sky #art #cemetery #gold #funeral #god #traditional #july #religion #no-person #theme-brid...
Day 33
#outdoors #friday #afternoon #old #park #garden #poland #architecture #ancient #cemetery #cross #stone #travel #summer #memory #monument #cem...
Day 178
Black and white, Jupiter 37A 135 #tuesday #street #church #art #people #architecture #cemetery #monochrome #cross #war #military #monument #f...
Day 723
Bells for Ypres
A new peal of eight bells has been cast in Loughborough by the world-famous John Taylor and Co Bellfoundry to mark the centenary of th...
Day 65
Cholo Funeral
Got stopped in the middle of a green light by a gang of cholo bikers blocking the way in what seemed a full force robbery. It turned out...
Day 668
"We met together in mutual love, And so we did remain. ?? parted here by God, To meet in Heaven again." #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #wedne...
Day 125
Charli XCX
Podobało mi sie, najlepszy koncert! #friday #afternoon #landscape #people #woman #election #festival #star #battle #war #concert #military...
Day 200
Michniów, wieś męczennik
#morning #outdoors #monday #home #garden #church #flower #architecture #building #lawn #cemetery #cross #travel #war #dayligh...
Day 77
Cmentarz Łyczakowski
#morning #outdoors #sunday #church #art #people #sculpture #statue #cemetery #woman #cross #travel #one #cemetary #funeral #grave...
Day 167
First use of darkening layer. Too aggressive or acceptable? #outdoors #afternoon #old #wednesday #tree #park #garden #art #sculpture #architecture...
Day 681
Here Lies
I finally got around to exploring the old graveyard nearby. Pretty cool little spot, actually. #outdoors #afternoon #old #tuesday #street #c...
Day 243
Martyrologia wsi polskiej..
#morning #outdoors #tuesday #home #garden #church #flower #architecture #building #lawn #cemetery #cross #travel #war #day...
Day 45
old graveyard
experimenting with high ISO in rather dark day and works I think #morning #trees #saturday #green #landscape #grass #cemetery #death #eu...
Day 50
Pamięci Jana Rodowicza "Anody"
W poszukiwaniu kolejnych punktów Patriotycznej Gry Komunikacyjnej trafiłem pod pomnik legendy podziemia. #morning #thur...