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14 photos
Day 485
I see you! ;)
#afternoon #wood #tuesday #november #wooden #knots #theme-wood
Day 490
#afternoon #wood #sunday #november #wooden #knots #theme-wood
Day 600
Węzły / Knots
Zbliża się koniec roku i czas podsumowań. Nie wiem, czy mam na nie ochotę, bo nie wszystko wypadło tak dobrze, jak myślałam, że będzie....
Day 1,860
Old things in my mothers sewing-box. #theme-less-means-more, #knots, #gold, #sewing-things, #reflections, #black-background
Day 1,859
Not the moon
I found my mothers old sewing box, with lots of little lovely things and even memories...! From now on I share the content of this box, b...
Day 1,861
Editing n playing...
Playing with knots and PS. You love it or hate it... #knots, #creativity, #theme-less-means-more, @black-background, #edited, #co...
Day 35
This Old Deck
This old deck has seen many moons. The rain in this pictures brings out the grain and knots in the wood. #thursday #backyard #old #vinta...
Knots on the tree
#afternoon #saturday #tree #june #knots
Day 171
The ties that bind
Had a wonderful awakening, with two excited kids bringing me breakfast in bed. Then a cuppa, then onto prezzies. The first was a fr...
Day 140
Making Bracelets
This weekend I learned how to tie bracelets. I've been doing it all weekend now. #evening #sunday #black-and-white #yarn #crafting #m...
Day 232
Tattoo concept
Today I have started work with tattoo concept for myself. It's gonna be combination of shield, Celtic knots and guitar pick ;O #thursda...
Day 178
Knot Funny
It's taken me 2 days, but I can now consistently tie a bowline knot. Hurrah says I. Then along comes my 9 year old daughter who learns it (...
Day 8
Pot 'o gold
Some of the girls in my hall make creative door decorations for each month. March's decorations have arrived! #afternoon #sunday #yellow #...