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Weekly theme

colors of summer

August 11th - August 18th
90 photos from 35 users

We live in different parts of the world, it's summer in the northern hemisphere, and in a few months it will become gray and gloomy. Before this happens, let's feast our eyes on colors, the colors of the sky, the colors on women's dresses and men's shirts, the colors of fruit and vegetables. Show us the colors of the street, the summer forest, and colorful events taking place in your area.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: The beauty of subtle tones.
Day 263
Uśmiechnąć się na widok stolika w "zaprzyjaźnionym ogródku"
Day 3,274
Swimming Pool
Day 2,271
Day 2,784
Today was a quiet day. I didn't do the bike route, but I went to the store with my mother to buy some blinds. The purchase was half successful...
Day 236
Autumn is coming
#theme-colors-of-summer #orange #inthegarden #butterfly #gardenflowers
Day 2,466
Day 3,272
Day 345
I po burzy
Day 3,275
Summer Party
At the care home where my aunt lives - since January 2018! #theme-colors-of-summer
Day 445
Day 262
Oczekiwanie na wesele latem
Day 1,032
Day 1,222
W dniu dzisiejszym - Żółty #theme-colors-of-summer
Day 235
Day 237
Day 1,223
W dniu dzisiejszym - Zielony #theme-colors-of-summer
Day 1,225
Z racji pogody pięknej pogody córka wyciągała mnie na basen. Trafiła na swoich znajomych i bawiła się świetnie. W dniu dzisiejszym - Błękitny #t...
Day 1,221
Kwiatek :)
W dniu dzisiejszym - BIAŁY #theme-colors-of-summer