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Weekly theme

ordinary day

September 22nd - September 29th
1 day left
68 photos from 31 users

Sometimes we have the opportunity to travel, meet extraordinary people or find beautiful light, but more often we have ordinary days. We get up, eat breakfast, go to work, school, to our daily duties, come back home, get ready for another ordinary day, and go to sleep. This week, let's see if an ordinary day can be extraordinary. Show us your daily routine.

To participate, tag your photo with #theme-ordinary-day.
Day 3,220
#theme-ordinary-day #railwaystation #people
Day 275
Day 273
Day 386
#theme-ordinary-day #bike #frog-perspective #bicykle #routine
Day 109
Day 2
day 2/365 - a very special postcard from our friends' summer. #theme-ordinary-day
Day 1
day 1/365 #theme-ordinary-day
Day 302
Idąc do pracy...
Day 2,942
Day 42
Dzień dobry.
Day 385
Step by step
Codziennie staram się wydreptać przynajmniej 9 tys kroków. Czasem się udaje więcej, czasem mniej. Ale chodzić staram się dużo każdego dni...
Day 2,458
Afternoon classes
Picking up, or lifting kids - just an #theme-ordinary-day.
Day 3,219
Jestem z Julią ;-)
I wasn't. But it is one of the sentences I recently learned. Even though I do not know any Julia. Which means: I try my best to lea...
Day 1,361
Codzienne bardzo przyjemna rutyna. W drodze do i z pracy :) #theme-ordinary-day.
Day 2,963
poranny rzut oka...
Day 2,803
#theme-ordinary-day #bus #people #phone
Day 3,312
paying in the weekly church collection
Day 108
Bus ride home
Day 41
Wagony wagony wagony.
Day 120
enjoy the ride, they say / and this was an extraordinary ordinary day // #theme-ordinary-day