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Weekly theme

public art

September 1st - September 8th
43 photos from 19 users

When we think about art in public space, we often imagine large murals, historic sculptures, small, well-placed stickers, or street artists and musicians. Maybe a tram with a really cool full-car design could be considered public art too? It’s easy to just point the camera at a street art piece and take the shot. However, let’s focus on showcasing the artwork within its environment and carefully composing the frame.

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: The beauty of subtle tones.
Day 1,696
#Portowe_klimaty ⚓️
Dziś Gdynia na rowerze 😁 #theme-public-art
Day 366
Different but good...
Spacer, a raczej przejazd rowerem, z aparatem po okolicy. Wczoraj postanowiłam fotografować częściej moim starym wysłużonym cano...
Day 282
Taki oto "bardzo bydgoski" mural
Day 3,292
Leicester's World Tree
The galvanised steel tree with light bulbs as its fruit stands on a map of the world with the names of the continents around th...
Day 1,057
ona i tragarze lodu ;)
Day 3,617
Day 2,196
Tombé pour la France
Imagine a song 137. "Tombé pour la France" Etienne Daho #theme-public-art
Day 2,763
Day 2,290
Day 248
Zofia Nałkowska mural… #theme-public-art
Day 2,195
Day 1,340
Day 2,942
zza winkla...
Day 3,198
a little skeleton in a concrete world the Dodo is no longer alive still untouched at the otherwise street free zone Long live the Dodo! #c...
Day 3,230
hidden kiss
Day 3,291
Local bowler
Looks like he is bowling an orange to the two schoolboys. #theme-public-art
Day 2,762
Day 2,482
Day 247
City mural
Rysiek Riedel, Dżem…Tychy. #theme-public-art