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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 60/365
34 streak
Day 2,354
No young heron today, She didn't appear. A Cygnet instead.
Day 2,365
Young Grey Heron
When I went up to the loch today I could not see the young Heron on the platform but could hear a Heron call. When I looked up she wa...
Day 2,381
Young Grey Heron
A completely trouble free morning. The young Heron spotted me as I approached the loch and flew over to the grass. She had all her fi...
Day 2,402
Young Grey Heron
Again the young heron was nowhere to be seen when I went to the loch this morning. The male was there and I stopped to take a shot of...
Day 2,427
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron suddenly appeared at the side of the loch this morning. I think she probably spotted me from the nest area. It was ve...
Day 2,492
Young Grey Heron
The Crow was the first to spot me and flew over. I only had Brazil nuts for it but it seemed to like them as it kept returning for mo...
Day 2,192
Young grey Heron
Day 2,203
The Young Heron
Relatively trouble free this morning. No Swans or Geese. Just the magpie who made off with a bit of fish! #theme-mono
Day 2,205
Preening Swan
Still no sign of the young Heron, however she has disappeared for a few days before. I am sure she will be back. A preening swan today....
Day 2,224
Tufted Duck
Day 2,227
Newhaven Lighthouse
Day 2,238
Day 2,246
Still a few around. I saw some around Kinghorn when we were there last week. Sadly I saw 3 dead ones washed up on the shore there. I believe...
Day 2,249
Black Headed Gull
Day 2,280
Young Grey Heron
When I approached the loch this morning the young Heron was standing on a concrete pipe looking towards the entrance. The pipe is in...
Day 2,294
Young Grey Heron
I decided to leave it a bit later (about 30 min) before heading up to the loch as it would be a bit lighter. When I got there it was...
Day 2,314
Young Grey Heron
It was still dark when I went to the loch today (hence the grainy shot) The young one was waiting on the drainage access point. It wa...
Day 2,315
Still no PCR test result. Still no symptoms. A shot of Morag today.
Day 2,338
Young Grey Heron
Happy New year! I could not see the young Heron today and was about to leave when I spotted her next to the fence round the loch. She...
Day 2,347
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting at the entrance again. She was very close and seemed a bit distracted be the noise of the traffic. When a...
Day 2,348
Young Grey Heron
As I was approaching the loch today I thought I could see the young Heron on the grass near the entrance. However as I got closer a m...
Day 2,358
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting for me on the grass this morning. She came right over and I started to feed her. There was a lot of decay...
Day 2,374
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting right at the entrance to the park. She was quite unfazed by the traffic (it was quieter being a Sunday bu...
Day 2,422
Young Grey Heron
Almost an identical day today. The young Heron came over in the morning and had about half her fish and flew back to the area where I...