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Architect of imaginary people, places and things.
#2 289/365
1 streak
Day 414
414 Box Life
With the loves. This was very very hard for me to execute. Have to reshoot it then re-edit. Talk to you later. I NEED SLEEP. (Hint at eye...
Day 415
415 The Contemplating Hand
Got some new idea!! But let's see if they're as good as I visualize them in my head. :P I still haven't recovered from last...
Day 416
416 Leap
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” ― Edgar Degas Like every great artist, regardless of the medium, I long to create ar...
Day 417
417 A Swoop
“To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control.” - Mar...
Day 418
418 A Fleet
A gust of wind or a fleet of paper planes. I had the most random conversation with my aunt earlier. Aunt: Didn't you notice how Evie's cla...
Day 419
419 A School
I initially planned to fold different type of fish per color but I checked on Wikipedia that fishes usually school with their species or...
Day 420
420 A Murder
A group of crows is called a murder. I had a big idea planned out for this photo because a murder of crows is my favorite collective name...
Day 421
421 An Army
An army of frogs. I'd love to know how you interpret this! #outdoors #afternoon #saturday #wood #people #relaxation #woman #travel #summer...
Day 422
422 A Kaleidoscope
Did you know that a group of butterflies is called a "kaleidoscope"? I think it's seriously pretty. #afternoon #sunday #fun #water...
Day 423
423 Off Days XII
It feels so weird to be taking a self-portrait without jumping or planking! 😂 I seriously miss taking portraits! Just faces, capturin...
Day 424
Car lights are a wonderful wonderful thing!!!!!!! See the before and after here: #portrait #outdoors #music #evening #light...
Day 425
Is it just me or maybe just me but I think my recent portraits has this magical feel to it. Must be because I've been doing surreal photos for qui...
Day 426
Sometimes I would put on makeup and pretend that my neck hurts. #portrait #thursday #outdoors #afternoon #light #girl #people #blur #happiness #wo...
Day 427
Giving myself free reign in doing these portraits this week and they always end up looking magical. Not sure if this is a new direction I'm headin...
Day 428
Henry Ford believed the soul of a person is located in their last breath and so captured the last breath of his best friend Thomas Edison in a tes...
Day 429
429 You are the universe experiencing itself
When I stumble upon Philip Glass's NPR interview( back then, what he said about sty...
Day 430
430 The Magic Behind Every Door
Every day can be a revelation or a new discovery if we just let it lead us. I posted a before and after of https://too...
Day 431
431 A lone man's dinner for a good night's sleep
I think I ruined this one. The idea was inspired by something I've read months ago on how the food we...
Day 432
432 A lone man's coffee to last until midnight
Haha, unknowingly, I seem to come up with a menu. I'm currently suffering from my 20-hr binge watch las...
Day 433
433 Mealtime
“Day by day I am approaching the goal which I apprehend but cannot describe.” - Beethoven p.s. The night sky looks exceptionally bare ton...
Day 434
434 This is how dreams are made
I am constantly discovering, realizing, and finding the cause of my ignorance. I am also constantly changing. What I k...
Day 435
435 We are infinite
Yesterday I just want to disappear. #portrait #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #galaxy #dark #rain #stars #moon #sky #weathe...
Day 436
436 This is how the stars shine
"...look at what your body is made of. The universe loved you so much, it valued your fight to exist so much, that it...
Day 437
Long day, catch up tomorrow!! May your week be lovely. ❤️ #outdoors #afternoon #monday #focus #moon #people #blur #hand #woman #surreal #hands #ad...