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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 2,281
Spent the day working on a website copy for one of my clients. We’re building cool stuff for photographers.
Day 2,288
The view was so bizzare, I had to take a photo. Guess what’s going on here.
Day 2,356
Surgery? What surgery?!
Day 2,381
My home office starts to look so awesome. Exactly how I imagined it. Love it so far. The color, the furniture. Everything about it.
Day 80
I'm a 28 years old guy. I got Legos for christmas. And you know what? I absolutely love it. But how to have twice as much fun with a little set...
Day 112
I decided I first need to figure out how the lighting actually works and affects the exposure. Once I start feeling confident with the strobe...
Day 114
8 a.m. at the office - another achievement unlocked. This photo pretty much sums up my workday. Lots of coffee, and design. #morning #friday #...
Day 164
First ever printed article about tookapic. Hopefully there will be more soon. And this is my biggest achievement so far - a bathroom selfie publ...
Day 181
I was feeling under the weather today. I think it might have something to do with all the eating and drinking for the last couple of days. So I...
Day 182
That sky
One of the most impressive sunsets I've seen. The sky was almost black, and all the tall buildings were lit with bright yellow light. I just...
Day 183
Half-way there
On October 9th 2014 first ever photo was uploaded to tookapic. Exactly six months later we have almost 10.000 photos and more than 100...
Day 223
Witcher 3
I am a weak creature. So weak. I bought a PS4 today. Just for the new Witcher game. Not sure if I'm going to sell the console after I finish...
Day 266
Another sunset
I think this was shot on manual focus to catch some of those particles. I wish the bottom part had came out better. #nature #night #lak...
Day 330
Dreaming of food
And lots of it. She didn't like this photoshoot at all. Drooled all over the place. I didn't like it either, since I had to bring all...
Day 358
Glider landing
I went to my favourite spot to take a photo of the sun setting. I cought few gliders landing nearby. Managed to shoot this one. It turn...
Day 363
Self portrait
Last pic with a friend this year. Already looking forward to starting another project. I am kind of stressed about the fact only two day...
Day 393
Couldn't resist. Here's another one from the series. I wonder what would a psychiatrist say after seeing my recent photos. Anyway, I think th...
Day 451
Today was really cold. But the light was really nice so I had to go out. I managed to stay outside for around 10 minutes. Today was really cold....
Day 580
Uncharted 4
Ok, so the hype is huge about that game. And so are my expectations. I've played all 3 previous games and loved every single one of them....
Day 621
The internet
Still no power at our house (since last Friday). This is a third place we're sleeping since the storm. This time we had to bring our own...
Day 625
I recorded part of the voiceover for my short film this morning. I used probably one of the cheapest condensor microphone there is. But I wa...
Day 660
Steal like an artist
When in doubt, this is my go-to book. Steal like an Artist by Austin Kleon. Creative block in progress. Lack of time does not hel...
Day 689
Afternoon walk
We went for a short walk in the park. The light was really good. I found a nice spot for the photo. If only I had told Magda to turn he...
Day 740
Block of flats
A painful streak pic. I try to always have the RX100 with me for days like today. No time for decen pic, so I just grab the little Sony...