vera Bravoooo! and thank you very much :-)
craig Beautiful shot Vera! I fund the snail too!
vera Bravo Craig! You're the second champion of the day ;-) Thank you!
Hanna Gawrychowska Beautiful light and ...I found the snail, too
Tomasz Dolata I like the light passing through the grape :)
vera Thank you Tomasz! :-)
Roman Czarny Very pastel and very juicy pictures wateringly ;-)
vera Thank you Roman ! Yes we are glad to harvest... Yum! ;-)
NitaR The lighting here makes the grapes look like they are made of glass. Lovely!
vera Thank you NitaR! :-)
Satoshi T Nice fresh transparent light. and I also find him !
vera Thank you Satoshi! So you've won the fourth place! Sorry because with the time difference you are not with the same starting chances... ⏰😴
bvphotosnap Gorgeous backlighting and I too found your snail :)
My Confetti Moon A lovely morning search-n-find puzzle! Beautiful light & I did find that cute, little snail 😉