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Jennifer Great shot! I always thought these giant ski culverts were cool. :) One more day! :D

Ian Prince Thanks. Almost there now...

tigg Look forward to your entry tomorrow ...suspense ...

Ian Prince ...and I have no idea what I'm going to take as usual.

noun Awesome!
And tomorrow .... the 365th! Waw!

Ian Prince Au secours!

noun Courage!
Cette photo représente un peu le "but du tunnel" ; )

noun All your work is so beautiful that I don't make me worry about te last pic of the year! I'm looking forward to discover it!

Ian Prince Merci! C'est drôle j'ai aussi pensé à ça en la prenant.

En même temps, j'ai pas eu une impression de confinement cette année. Au contraire !

noun oui, je comprends! personnellement Tookapic m'a appris à voir le monde qui m'entoure différemment, avec plus d'intensité. C'est top! Mais quand même il y des jours où c'est difficile, voir frustrant, quand je n'ai pas d'idée et que je suis débordée de travail! Heureusement dans ces moments là, la communauté Tookapic est très soutenante, bienveillante! j'aime!

Ian Prince Moi aussi :)

tania Love it !

Ian Prince Glad you like it. In retrospect I think I'd shoot it differently....

tania How ?

Ian Prince Maybe from further back to show how it's a tunnel...or add a car or person. Would help with the "readability" I think, as it's hard to get any idea of scale...Maybe I'd work on the color palette a bit too, that brown road is pretty drab...

tania Not sure. This one is successful also 'cause you have to open it and to think to understand what it is. But yes for the ground. A bit darker...

Ian Prince Well you would like that it's very round ;)

Ron Dadoo How many times I passed under this tunnel and completely forgotten since this time

Ian Prince Ah, so you know all about my little corner of paradise then?

Ron Dadoo you live in Guinfard?

Ian Prince I sure do! Mon petit coin du paradis. How come you know about it?

Ron Dadoo I lived 15 years in "La Chenalette"... ;-)

Comment was deleted

Satoshi T I love Ian's sense to find simple and beautiful shape in the architecture (and loco..... ;)).

Ian Prince Thanks Satoshi

Jaydee Well done!

Ian Prince Thanks!

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