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462 photos
Day 505
at night it was raining and snowing
in my garden -morning streak photo I'm busy and tired - work and work and work and ..... #morning #forest #monday...
Day 112
#october #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #sunday #light #rain #color #tree #garden #leaf #branch #blur #summer #conifer #fern #evergreen #...
Day 552
Fern #3
In my garden. #thursday #nature #leaves #green #garden #leaf #plant #macro #close #fern #vegetation #may #plant-part
Day 528
Waking up to life
#afternoon #green #monday #leaf #yellow #plant #fern #may #chameleon
Day 541
Fern #2
Young fern. It grows just a couple of centimeters above ground. #nature #leaves #green #sunday #garden #leaf #plant #macro #spring #fern #vege...
Day 789
Like cat's tail
Unfortunately I didn't know the name, but it is as funny as a cat's tail. Edit: It's name is Asparagus densiflorus Meyeri ! Thanks @da...
Day 942
#forest #nature #afternoon #leaves #green #monday #garden #leaf #plant #fern #may #ferns #leave
Day 278
In the fern forest. / W lesie paprociowym.
#thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #rain #tree #garden #leaf #blur #desktop #closeup #summer #day...
Day 334
Houseplant keeper
Well, I don't have any plants. First: because they're dying because of water lack or excess, second: because my cat eats them. As if...
Day 565
#thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #wood #color #tree #garden #leaf #winter #branch #november #texture #bright #pattern #desktop #closeup #fern #s...
Day 288
About fog
It was such a short photoshoot. We take few picture during the walk in the forest at morning. I love this kind of weather. Foggy mornings ar...
Day 269
In the forest and such a wonder can be found, a concrete pipe overgrown with moss ... nice view, maybe some pet live in it :D #morning #outdoors...
Day 231
Fern #forest #nature #green #evening #light #dark #tuesday #plant #spring #life #one #lonely #walking #fern #growing #springtime #may
Day 529
Summer #13
#forest #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #green #wood #light #rain #color #tree #park #garden #leaf #wild #desktop #closeup #summer #fe...
Day 291
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #light #monday #garden #leaf #flower #november #insect #one #sprout #fern #biology #growth #environment #flora #inve...
Day 913
in my garden, young fern. #outdoors #nature #evening #wood #monday #drop #rain #garden #grass #leaf #ecology #blur #summer #fern #biology #may #g...
Day 145
#nature #friday #afternoon #drop #rain #color #garden #grass #leaf #close #blur #desktop #closeup #medicine #fern #biology #growth #june #environ...
Day 544
#thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #color #tree #glass #leaf #flower #plant #art #winter #minimalism #desktop #december #summer #twig #still...
Day 594
Playing around with the fisheye lens at the glasshouse of the Glasgow Botanical Gardens #trees #nature #afternoon #green #light #monday #tr...
Day 318
Promyk słońca
#fall #forest #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #wood #sunday #light #color #tree #park #grass #leaf #wild #november #moss #deskto...
Day 336
Wake up!
As you see, I have pretty weird plants in my house (like this one, if you look really closely: ) #portrait...
Day 203
Z pozdrowieniami dla mieszkańców ulicy Kisielewskiego w Chotomowie, którzy straszyli, że wezmą policję gdy będę chodzić "ich prywatną drogą...
Day 528
wietlica o zachodzie
#fall #outdoors #nature #evening #light #tuesday #color #tree #leaf #flower #blur #texture #pattern #desktop #summer #fern #growt...
Day 273
In the forest
Sunday's trip to the forest for mushrooms was wonderful, lots of mushrooms and full baskets ;) ... lots of cool pics from which it was h...